Shouldn't lose your information if you can update via CLI or GUI Admin. But your question was Exporting and Importing database so you would lose info if you don't do it correctly. telecastg post pretty much explain it step by step you can follow.
Do do a backup though, your version is quite old and you going to be in a world of hurt if you rush the upgrade.
database import
So if I update my version of CRM, would I lose my information?
My version is already very old (5.2.5)Leave a comment:
Maybe this post will help you. Check the steps having to do with password preservation.
I upgraded from 5.82 and followed the procedures to the current build. For two years prior to this upgrade, everything was running smoothly. I did appropriate backups, so I thought and even looked to the server rewinds etc. Now, every 2-4 hours the CRM crashes again and gives just the blue line across the top of the page. ILeave a comment:
Passwords on espocrm are encrypted with a key that stored in config.php, named passwordSalt
Just copy the salt value from the old crm to the new one and the passwords will work again, but note that the previous users on the new crm will need to reset their passwords.
So you will choose between keeping passwords for old users or for now.
Here is how you can reset password from the console: php command.php set-password [username]
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database import
I made an export of my database, and at the time of importing it to copy it and use it, it did not mark any error, the problem came when I tried to log in to espocrm, it does not admit any user or password, so I could not enter Does anyone know what this is due to and how to fix it?
My database and my credentials are the same as the previous ones, also the espocrm version is the sameTags: None
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