academic title in name field

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  • Lupre
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2019
    • 26

    academic title in name field

    can someone please explain how to add an academic title to the name field (combination of salutation, first name, last name).

    The result should be (salutation, academic title, first name, last name).

    So "Dear Dr. Petra Müller".

    in German: "Sehr geehrte Frau Dr. Petra Müller"

  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2205

    Do you want this to be shown as "Full Name"? Or planning to use this as Print2PDF or Email Template? If Print2PDF or Email it is easy, just create a new field where you can type those in (or use enum).

    If you want to show it as Full Name, I guess you can rely on this method which might work for you:

    But it used Suffix, you probably have to modify it to be Prefix.

    If you want it to be simple (e.g. just Dr), then just add that as a salutation option. But if you want Dr Bachelor of Science Petra Muller.


    • peterberlin
      Active Community Member
      • Mar 2015
      • 1004

      Hallo, wenn das Feld zum Geschlecht gefüllt ist, wo und wie passe ich die Anreden in email-Vorlagen (Sehr geehrte/r Herr....), sodass ich den Schrägstrich oder Schrägstrich und "r" nicht jeweils einzeln löschen muss, sondern direkt aus der gespeicherten Anrede heraus richtig gesetzt wird? Im Forum habe ich hierzu

