EspoCRM 5.9.3
MySQL 8.0.19
textFilterUseContainsForVarchar => true
fullTextSearchMinLength => 3
Knowledgebase Entity: Text Filter Fields = Name, Description; Full Text Search = True
The knowledgebase search does not find all matching records unless wildcards are used. For example, if I search for the word calendar, two articles should be found. However, only one is found unless I add % to the beginning or end of the search term. This is not the correct behavior imo. See the attached pictures.

However, if I search for the word powershell, which is at the end of the title of the first KB article in the 2nd and 3rd pictures, the article is found as expected. This type of thing happens with many other search terms and I usually have to add wildcards to get it to work correctly. Any ideas?
MySQL 8.0.19
textFilterUseContainsForVarchar => true
fullTextSearchMinLength => 3
Knowledgebase Entity: Text Filter Fields = Name, Description; Full Text Search = True
The knowledgebase search does not find all matching records unless wildcards are used. For example, if I search for the word calendar, two articles should be found. However, only one is found unless I add % to the beginning or end of the search term. This is not the correct behavior imo. See the attached pictures.
However, if I search for the word powershell, which is at the end of the title of the first KB article in the 2nd and 3rd pictures, the article is found as expected. This type of thing happens with many other search terms and I usually have to add wildcards to get it to work correctly. Any ideas?