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Hiding Panels on Detail Layout

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  • Hiding Panels on Detail Layout

    Hi everyone,
    I think most of you know about this feature, but it may be handy for someone that hasn't found out about it yet.
    After having worked with Espo for some time, I've found out that the detail layout of accounts gets cluttered with an immense amount of data. Of course this information is needed, but not every time I'm opening some specific account. Recently, I've found the solution to my issue. One can make panels hidden on the detail layout, just navigate to Administration > Layout manager > Detail Layout of the needed entity > click pencil icon next to the name of the panel > check "Hidden" checkbox.
    I've hidden "Details" panel on the Accounts detail layout, see the screenshot.
    Hope it will be useful for someone!

  • #2
    It would be good if you could fold the panels out but also back in.


    • #3
      It is possible to make an accordion like panel detail view following the instructions in this post:
      I use it an the only thing, I did not succeed so far is to have the first panel open on opening the record. All panels are closed by default and I donĀ“t know, how to change that. But nevertheless, this is a working and update-safe solution.

      Another posibility would be the extension Ebla-Layout Pro by the member espcrm (Eblasoft):
      This one has a feature to put the panels in tabs, which works well, if you do not have too many tabs. And you can organize the detail view by more columns, what in some cases might be handy as well.
      Last edited by shalmaxb; 08-31-2020, 11:29 AM.


      • #4
        Meanwhile I use a solution without extra coding:

        1. Create an enum field with with the values named like your panels: panel1, panel2, panel3 .... and so on
        2. Choose "Show as buttons"
        3. Place this field in an own panel, which you would position as first panel, so that the buttons appear on top of your detail view
        4. For every single panel set condition (in layout manager) in such way, that the panel will be shown only, when the enum field has a value by its name, hide the panel, if you don`t want to see it, when another is shown. You can also set this way two ore more panels visible or not at the same time.


        • esforim
          esforim commented
          Editing a comment
          Nice lifehack lol.