I found this, if someone else need to do the same.
User settings still availlable for users
You can try to create your custom view. Investigate please this file /client/src/views/user/detail.js.
More developer documentation you can get here:
Last edited by Maximus; 07-16-2020, 11:58 AM.Leave a comment:
I mean for example a office member in my business organistion and all changes for this member have to change by the admin.Leave a comment:
These are the standard scopes that users have access to. Perhaps under the user you mean your customer or a business partner. In this way you can create Portal and a portal user https://docs.espocrm.com/administration/portal/. The Portal user has much less permissions rather than the regular user.Leave a comment:
thank you for the fast response.
I struggle with the complete menu in the upper right corner, because the user sees to much. Why is it possible for a normal user to switch to an extrenal emailclient or change his email signature on his own? It is not necessary for a user to see and access the "about" and his "usersettings".
If I have to fix this really big problem in the code, in which file I have to do the changes?
Thank you in advanced! -
Hi Heiko.
Are you talking about User -> Preferences? Or just about the email address filed?
If Email address field - you can set in the role the restriction to edit only this field in the Field Level section that is located on the bottom of the role.
If Preferences - there is no such ability to restrict this area via UI. You need to change the system code.
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User settings still availlable for users
how can I prevend a user from changing his settings on his own. The user has a businessemail, ... so he should not change these settings.
In the role settings, I tried to deactivate the user rights and set it to none, but nothing happens. I also cleared the cache several times.
Any idea or has I missed a option in the admin?
I use the last version.Last edited by Heiko; 07-16-2020, 07:34 AM.Tags: None
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