Dynamic List Feature . . .

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  • dodom2
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 198

    Dynamic List Feature . . .

    Hello. I need help to determine our options.

    I built an entity called "Checklist" and another entity called "Checklist Fields". The goal here is to build a UI that generates a dynamic checklist. So heres how it works. Inside "Checklist" fields you have these options in "Field Type" "https://prnt.sc/szq76b"

    Checkmark = Will be a simple check mark next to the "Field Label in the checklist entity
    Dropdown = Will display the "Dropdown Options" in a dropdown field in the checklist entity
    Text = Will display a simple text field in the checklist entity

    Now about the "Checklist" entity (not checklist fields entity).

    The "Checklist" entity will be used to select "Checklist Fields" which will in return tell the check system HOW to populate the checklist. So for example (Screenshot https://prnt.sc/szq840)

    Water Tank Level is a dropdown with the options "Empty" and "Full"
    Headlights is a "Check box" field
    Roof Lightbar is a "Checkbox" field as well.

    So we need to be able to generate a UI view that will populate these 3 fields (for example) into a single view and allow saving the data. So again we're looking to generate "Checklist" records that include text and dropdown records as well. Using Conditional Options isnt really realist as each list will be different in some way or another. Any ideas? Can we maybe do this somehow in custom views?

  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2206

    Doubt it possible at this stage without new code (new Fields type) to be implement or using workaround method.

    This is something I'm to create more seamlessly as well but there is a few missing element to make it work comfortably. You already explain quite clearly so I prefer not to repeat it but some issue with workaround method is:

    1) Need new field for each entry, there is no "new row" (similar to Invoice/Quote) feature.
    2) List can't be dynamic or pre-populate based on selection, need to rely on Formula and Workflow.
    3) List is static. Need to edit it in admin setting.

    I have been using the free extension by telecastg (Dynamic Checklist) as a work around method but waiting for "multi-column" checkbox to be implemented to make full use of it.

    Another workaround method is I created, "Template" record, and Duplicate from that, unfortunately not all data can be duplicated.
    Another method is I recently discover Conditional Option, so it cut down some of my bigger List with irrelevant data to be shown.


    • eymen-elkum
      Active Community Member
      • Nov 2014
      • 472

      dodom2 you already bought my extension "EspoCRM Link Multiple Inline Form", can it help in this ?
      CEO of Eblasoft
      EspoCRM Expert since 2014
      Full Stack Web Developer since 2008
      Creator of Numerous Successful Extensions & Projects​


      • dodom2
        dodom2 commented
        Editing a comment
        Hey Eymen. I use that function but it wouldnt work for unfortunately as its a list feature and not really made to be used like Im speaking of
    • peterberlin
      Active Community Member
      • Mar 2015
      • 1004

      I'm probably thinking something crosswise.
      If I had that task, I would put each checklist field in the "checklist" module into a single panel of the checklist and show or hide those panels as needed.
      The control for this could be done with Boolean fields that influence the panel control.
      I have already used this method in several checklists.
      The user only sees the fields he should edit.


      • esforim
        Active Community Member
        • Jan 2020
        • 2206

        Originally posted by peterberlin
        I'm probably thinking something crosswise.
        If I had that task, I would put each checklist field in the "checklist" module into a single panel of the checklist and show or hide those panels as needed.
        The control for this could be done with Boolean fields that influence the panel control.
        I have already used this method in several checklists.
        The user only sees the fields he should edit.
        Any chance for a screenshot of your setup? Kinda want to try new idea at the moment.
        Thank Peter.

