Please tell me how to limit the viewing of the "revenue" field using group roles
Hide fields for users in "Campaign"
I'm new to EspoCRM myself so I'm definitely not 100% on this but if you go to Administrator -> Layout Manager -> Campaigns, under Side Panels, click on the pen icon next to Default, under "Conditions making panel visible", you can turn off the visibility for certain teams, users and roles... -
In 5.8.3
* 'Lead Created' field won't be displayed if no access to Lead scope.
* 'Revenue' won't be displayed if not access to Opportunity scope.If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.Comment
yurikuzn is part of the offical team I believe.
Using the form, Private Message or that international phone number: