Learning EspoCRM and Design

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  • item
    Hello espcrm,
    i have make this kind of debit/credit/balance with no big development, only by calculated field (readOnly) and sumRelated.

    as you see in print-screen (invoice), i have double debit/credit/balance.
    the other printscreen is on account, i sumRelated...
    and each month, we download from bank csv with all transaction.. and this put credit in invoice
    Witch is important, in belgium we have "structure communication", when invoice is created, espocrm create a unique "structured number", so this unique number can find the corresponding invoice and put credit value.

    Last edited by item; 05-18-2022, 10:42 AM.

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  • esforim
    Off topic and no way related to EspoCRM but I finally found an CRM system that support what is known as "Double Entry" Accounting. Still exploring it but I thought I share it for anyone who is interested.

    I'm pretty sure previous update did not include this feature but look like newer version have the feature. If you don't want to read, basically check out: Dolibarr. I think I tested their v14 system, but with v15 they must have 'update' it.

    So will be mixing EspoCRM and Dolibarr for our use; hopefully it work as I can see in the Demo without too much pain in setting it up.
    For those you don't know Double Entry accounting, you can easily look it up. As for explaining it basically this:

    Debit | Credit | Balance
    I Pay You | You Pay Me | What my money now

    There various name for this (Debit Credit; for example: Payee & Payer) but it usually Debit, Credit, Balance for my country.

    I have tried many system out there, some does support this but most of it only do Invoice system (1 time transaction); whereas using this system it continuous overtime. Hopefully it got a Portal system too because that is where we be needing it for.

    In another time and another post I will list out the other option out there that failed to meet the requirement. But this call for a Celebration.

    PS: The reason why other system wasn't chosen but there is no Balance per item, it only calculate at the end/current latest time.

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  • melenu314
    Really couldn't find any information on adding more "From" email or multiple outgoing. I have finally figured out how to do it.

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  • esforim
    commented on 's reply
    Bit conflicting here, Manual updating is not manual upload?

  • rabii
    try GUI it might work for you. Make sure you put the application under maintenance mode and even disable cron jobs to avoid any issues.

    Good luck

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  • bradaks
    The CLI method is also failing me. I use the manual upgrade process within EspoCRM itself under Admin > Upgrade. The exact same thing happens. I try to upgrade, it fails without any warning saying it did update. The version is the same and the CPU usage jumps from 2% to 25% with no users logged in.

    Manual upgrading via the GUI seems to work fine.
    Last edited by bradaks; 04-09-2022, 12:33 AM.

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  • esforim
    commented on 's reply
    Looking at this: https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/s...thTokenManager

    It seem like if I replace the whole Application folder, it might work... considering the CLI method failing me... perhaps it might be better to try with the GUI method
    Last edited by esforim; 04-02-2022, 05:31 AM.

  • esforim
    It quarter of the year and I decide to try my hand at updating espoCRM again... and it fail. Luckily manage to restore the server and it working again. Look like I'll be struck with 6.1.2.

    Upgrade using CLI... upgrade successful but version remain the same. No offer of "would you like to update again". Blank login screen, getting "Container.php" and "Filemanager.php" error (core files). Uploaded a various 6.0 - 6.1 version of these two files and it still don't work. Replace the whole Core folder with these file but it start showing up again.

    But now I got a new error, "authTokenManager" service cannot be found/load Error 500. There is a file call that in the Core/Authetication folder, replace that file but no luck either. Also tried creating a config-internal.php file as I remember v7 this file get created and someone on the bitnami forum mention authTokenManager error.

    Tried running php command.php upgrade but nothing happen. Tried multiple time for it to work but no luck. Changed PHP version but nothing either.

    And I'll give up for now. If anyone know how to fix this issue, I give it a try. Hopefully anyone that have this error manage to restore old version. Be sure to backup!

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  • esforim
    commented on 's reply
    Update: https://print-css.rocks/tools

    After reading this page I don't think this will be the right tools unless you are willing to spend big money.

    From briefly looking through it, each of the tools require to make this work costing up to $5000 or higher.

  • esforim
    While reading about the SVG issue and TCPDF PDF template here: https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/bug-...orted-by-tcpdf

    I came across this: https://print-css.rocks/

    Rather than me trying to explain what it is I will just quote their description. Hopefully someone can make use of it.
    "What is CSS Paged Media

    In brief: CSS Paged Media (a W3C standard) is a way of generating PDF documents using XML/HTML as input and CSS for styling. It can be thought of as an extension of CSS for print purposes."

    Basically no more ugly looking PDF. It require coding (HTML + CSS) though so it still too far away from easy to use mode using a drag/drop or a wysiwyg toolbar.

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  • esforim
    commented on 's reply
    It would seem there is another bug that causing it unable to generate QR Code also. It got to do with the Account Name again, some of the Account Name I have got the symbol "&" (and; ampersand)

    Any Contact linked to an Account with this symbol will cause issue, at least this I haven't investigate on a how to fix yet. Example would be:

    "John & Smith Shop"

  • esforim
    Summary: Email > Right Click > This Frame > Print this Frame > Remove Header and Footer > Print
    Need Firefox, not sure how other browser if they have setting option or named differently.


    I just discover something today after learning about "Print Header and Footer" when you print.

    Thinking about this I wanted to print out an email, using the PDF template I have setup, in anyway it looked ugly (it does look good if you just want information though), but the format is too long (multiple pages and blank space but all background and colors removed).

    After a few test, including, "Opening this New Frame" and Print this Screenshot.

    The above solution work great, it print out "As what you see in the email". I guess the weakness is it will print everything so you might want to selectively choose to print page 1 only or Print to PDF and edit it before printing.

    Anyway this is a good feature to use if you want to print... however staying digital is good (environment) so don't print if you can help it.

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  • esforim
    commented on 's reply
    Actually I recommend you use the free Real Estate extensions, then create a Relationship to the Meeting, after that you can use this relationship to link meeting information.

    Doing this way is better because (1) You can re-use existing property you add and (2) If you look at the Properties, you can see all the meeting that took place there.

    If you just create a Location field (some varchar) or an Address field (got street name, city, etc), the weakness is you have to retype it each time and you can only have address.

    I made my relationship Many-to-Many, so sometime I have multiple location for one meeting (since I'm lazy). For example 9am to 12pm, ShopA, ShopB, "Going for coffee and lunch".

    I think I wrote about my journey learning on how to do this but it relatively easy so you can just do it... but considering you just join the forum (new user?) it might be hard for you.

    Feel free to create new thread or try asking here if you need help.
    Last edited by esforim; 08-17-2022, 09:10 AM.

  • yuri
    commented on 's reply
    It's possible to add Location field via Entity Manager.

  • managlsur
    It weird how meeting doesn't have a "Location" field, usually meeting must have one. I decide to add in the Address & Map field in my Meeting entity. mcdvoice
    Last edited by managlsur; 10-02-2021, 11:15 AM.

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