One more problem with pdf template
It seems that some templates had indeed been edited in the meantimeAnyway, thanks for clarifying.
yuri Can you confirm that https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/issues/1366 removed all comments from all templates and we need to create them again?Leave a comment:
Putting "<!-- {{#each itemList}} -->" in Code View worked for me. It didn't strip anything.
Can you provide your template code?
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Last edited by siavash82ir; 11-14-2019, 12:06 PM.Leave a comment:
Ok, than this is the problem, that I was not aware. I will see, to modify in the way, you suggested.
Thank you very much for your patience!Leave a comment:
Unfortunately no. You can print from contact list view, when you select search result and print selected records. But in this case there will a new page for each contact.Leave a comment:
My participants are directly in Contact, I do not have another entity like JazzWorkshop, because my database ist exclusively for interested persons in participating the workshop. So I used the Contacts for every interested to store, like an adress book. For those, who finally are enrolled I have a checkbox and this way I am able to show only enrolled, if I want.
Is to print a list not possible from the entity Contacts directly?Leave a comment:
Example, to explain how printing related records works.
You have the entity type 'JazzWorkshop'.
JazzWorkshop has a relationship many-to-many with Contact, named 'participants'. Important: Link-Multiple field should be checked for the relationship.
Contact has a field Instrument.
PDF Template for JazzWorkshop entity type:
Code:{{#each participants}} <div>Name: {{name}}, Instrument: {{instrument}}</div> {{/each}}
Name: Miles Davis, Instrument: Trumpet
Name: John Coltrane, Instrument: Saxophone
I don't know your design, so can't give you an exact answer how to compose a template.
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I have to manage participants of a Jazz Workshop. These participants are stored in ESPOCRM as contacts. Every enrolled participant needs a contract (what I already configured with success) and the teachers need lists of these participants sorted by instrument.
So I have search queries regarding the different instruments and these result in contact lists ordered by instrument. Now I want to output these ordered contacts in PDF to print.Leave a comment:
Yes, I mean "</> button.
Tried without comment tags, code was not stripped, but the PDF output was three blank pages for three records (which I selected from the list view to print a list)..Leave a comment:
I reproduced on another instance. Could be a bug of one of newest versions. I will check out.Leave a comment:
Did you try without comment tags ? Comment tag is needed only when used inside <table> tags.
Code:<div> {{#each itemList}} {{lastName}}, {{firstName}} {{instrument}} {{/each}} </div>
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I have no clue. It's really weird. By 'code view' do you mean the button '</>' ?Leave a comment:
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