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Portal error 404

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  • czcpf
    I am having similar issues getting this to work. I've tried everything I can think of. I opened a new post on this

    no help yet.

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  • rabii
    commented on 's reply
    i think it makes sense, github repo should be used to only report issues/bugs and submit pull request. if the developers accept such problem on their repo it will be difficult to manage. just search on the form and community will help.

  • SinglWolf
    Faced the same problem. There is still no solution. I opened a question on github, but the question was immediately closed, with the link "go solve this problem on the forum".
    What's the matter? Why is this attitude towards users?
    Where can I get adequate help?​
    Describe the bug OS Debian 10.13 Server version: Apache/2.4.38 (Debian) Protocol: HTTPS Configured the portal by default. When I try to go to the page portal, I get 404 Page Not Found Portal index....

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  • calebwalker
    This is exactly what I am getting trying to enable portals. Did anyone get them to work? I too have tried everything in public/portal/.htaccess and public/api/v1/portall-access/.htaccess and I cannot get them to work. I too am using 1and1 or ionos specifically. Depending on how I set the htaccess I get a blank page, a message that says No portal ID, or no portal index.php. Man I am racking my brain over this one. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Mark
    maybe someone has encountered this error and has a solution:
    ERROR: (404) Portal index.php not found.; GET /portal/; line: 104, file: espo_directory/application/Espo/Core/Portal/Application.php [] []

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  • MATO
    All done - Maximus thank you for your help

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  • MATO
    My Bad - Auth Error was down to a file permission.

    1st try - Created a Portal and set the portal to default - we can now see that the portal cannot be found and 1and1 provides a default page when it can't find the site

    2nd try - enabling RewriteBase /Portal/ in the /Portal/.htaccess we can now get into the default portal.

    Now we just need to see the Roles working as at present we have no side bar showing documents or knowledge base.

    getting there
    Last edited by MATO; 05-18-2023, 12:57 PM.

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  • Maximus
    Please check:
    1. The EspoCRM and Apache error log files
    2. On the login page press F12 and reload a web page. Check the network and console tab for the errors.
    You can also attach the log files and screenshots.

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  • MATO
    Hi Maximus

    Thank you for getting back to me.

    I created a new subdomain as you had seen and went through the installation only changing the \api\v1\ .htaccess to RewriteBase /api/v1/

    Was prompted to create admin account so all looked good - On going to the site we now see Auth Error?

    So now we are not getting access to the main ESPOCRM now.

    Any ideas

    Thank you for your help so far


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  • Maximus
    Hello MATO.
    Sorry for my delayed response.

    Firstly complete the EspoCRM installation on Then create a portal.
    If you will use only one portal you can check the "Default" box in its settings. If you will do that, you can get access to your portal by such link as
    But if you want your portal has a unique name (e.g., you have to create a virtual host as it described here The EspoCRM/.htaccess file is only one file that you have to configure with this block

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  • MATO
    Can anyone help us with this issue, Seems a shame to drop ESPOCRM because we can't get the portal working on our Host 1and1

    Thank you in advance


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  • MATO
    finally getting an error in the log.

    [2019-07-08 13:34:28] Espo.ERROR: (404) Controller 'Portal-access' is not found; GET /api/v1/portal-access/5d233e463ea1b68f5/Settings [] []

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  • MATO
    Does anyone see any issue with the following script, is the basepath correct?
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
    Espo.loader.cacheTimestamp = 1562590884;
    Espo.require('app-portal', function (App) {
    var app = new App({
    id: '5d233e463ea1b68f5',
    useCache: true,
    cacheTimestamp: 1562590884,
    basePath: '../../',
    url: 'api/v1/portal-access/5d233e463ea1b68f5'
    }, function (app) {

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  • MATO
    By adding enabling RewriteBase /Portal/ in the /Portal/.htaccess we can now get the © 2019 EspoCRM - now we just need the login prompt page?

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  • MATO
    Hi Maximus

    I have gone over all your suggestions and we are still unable to get the portal working.

    If we comment RewriteBase with # sign at the api/vi level we can not access the main ESPO.

    We notice many .htaccess within the directory structure "is there a guide to what .htaccess should be used ?


    Does anyone have a good idea on how to trace back the 404 error as we are not seeing any log data and google analytics is a pain to get going.


    Thank you for your help so far.


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