Here is an example of the query that the CRM is shooting over to mysql with and without the teams field in the report filter.
Urgent - MySQL crashing since updated to 5.5.5
Hello khopper,
could you give more information to help us reproduce the error? What is your php version? Also, very helpful would be to take a look on your log files (Espo, web server, php), check one more time if there any activated BPM or Workflows that have an influence on this report. Also, could you archive and give us your Custom folder.Comment
Here is everything you asked for in link.
I have confirmed its not caused by BPM or Workflows and modified the reports by removing field "teams" from the filter and it has not occurred since.
Last edited by khopper; 01-28-2019, 05:09 PM.Comment
When you have launched a report it caused “2006 MySQL server has gone away” Error. This error may appear when max_allowed_packet is too small. According to your version of MySQL, it can be 1MB by default. Try to increase this value to 32MB. The max size can be 1GB so fill free to keep increasing it if 32MB will not work.
This will help you to do this:
Note: you should restart MySQL service after upgrade max_allowed_packet valueComment
Hi, khooper
please make the screenshots of all parameters that you have used when tried to create the report. It will give more clarity on some error process that could appear on sub level. Also, enter to your database via phpMyAdmin and take a look on all fields. Are there any inactive fields with disabled options like browse, structure, search, etc. Also, very helpful would be if you will give the access for our team to the portal with access to try to create the report, etc.Comment
Your portal settings are ok. You just need to add tabs into the tab list when you are customizing your portal. Also, please add access to the "Report" entity and give the User Name of the test user account. It would be great if you tell us when we can run the report via the portal (after work time) to prevent 100% core usage at work time.Comment
The Tabs are already listed in the first screen shot but nothing shows. (Portal02.jpg)
I even added a dashboard for 1 of the trouble reports and it shows access denied. The report should be wide open and readable to everyone in the system.
Code:[2019-02-06 16:51:22] Espo.ERROR: API [GET]:/:portalId/:controller/action/:action, Params:Array ( [portalId] => 5c59bf7a68f317e1a [controller] => Report [action] => run ) , InputData: - [] [] [2019-02-06 16:51:22] Espo.ERROR: Display Error: , Code: 403 URL: /espocrm/api/v1/portal-access/5c59bf7a68f317e1a/Report/action/run?id=5b1089915cd005644&where= [] []
Last edited by khopper; 02-06-2019, 04:54 PM.Comment
Hi Kim,
I tried to run a sum report with a filter by teams. 100,000 records in database, each record has from 1 to 4 assigned teams. Report executed in 3 seconds. Windows environment (which is much slower than linux).
SUM function with a filter through many-to-many relationship (which Teams is) generates SQL with a sub-query. That sub-query seems to cause a crash of your MySQL. It's supposed that MySQL optimizes the query w/o creating temporary table but on your environment it seems it's not the case.Last edited by yuri; 02-08-2019, 08:39 PM.If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.Comment
Hi Kim,
MySQL 5.7 has a better sub-query optimizer.There's a big chance that the report will execute very quickly there.If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.Comment