Since using the CRM system for over 8 months now, we have accumulated lots of email which have attachments. The attachments sizes can range anything from 500KB to 2MB each. With about 15,000 emails, just imagine the disk space usage! Our use case is that we want to archive older emails with attachments to another location and remove them from the current site. I have been searching for a archiving function in Espocrm and the only documentation I got so is as per the attached screen cap and it is so unclear. How can we archive the emails and remove them from the site?
Archiving of old emails
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In Germany, the Ministry of Finance requires companies to archive their important e-mails. There are special programs that can be used for this.
Regardless of the law, it is important for us to regularly empty the large mailboxes. Since we archive all e-mails, the deletion of e-mails in the mailboxes is not a problem.Comment
When archiving function is present then there must be a function to restore as well. This is a CRM software. The communications that we have with the customer, especially in the case management, needs to be archived/backup for audit purposes. This similar to voice recording. It is also a law in Malaysia, especially with the recent corruptions and scandals.Comment
By the term "archive" I understand something other than a simple folder called "archive" in my mailbox. For us it would be interesting to export completed cases simply from Espo and archive them on our file server.
Perhaps this would be possible via a zip file that contains an xml file with all entries, as well as emails and their attachments, which can then be exported to a file server and easily imported again if needed. This would save web space and allow digital long-term archiving.Comment