Email alert when X time has passed between emails

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  • jamesa
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2017
    • 28

    Email alert when X time has passed between emails


    Can anyone tell me if there is a way to have an email alert sent to an assigned user, after X days has passed after emailing a Lead and that Lead has not replied back?

    We get many inquiries from our marketing efforts. They populate in Leads, we email an initial reply, and only the serious ones get converted to a Contact. But the email conversation, while still in the Leads section, can go back and forth many times, and then stop. The only way to know if it stops is to manually check through MANY leads. So an alert like the above would bring to the user's attention when a Lead has not replied to user's last email after X days.

    *I have the expansion pack.

    All help much appreciated, thank you!

    Last edited by jamesa; 09-05-2018, 02:12 PM.
  • khopper
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2017
    • 334

    I am interested in this also!


    • Maximus
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2018
      • 2731

      You can create such a report of the List type see attachment. It is not the alert, but this way you can control the situation.
      1. In the send email report choose that users that should monitoring this list.
      2. This report will catch the record once if the dateSent was 7 days. Next day you will receive this report w/o previous results.
      3. Do not forget to fill the Parent while composing an email.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Maximus; 06-14-2019, 11:04 AM.


      • khopper
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2017
        • 334

        I know I can pull a report, what I am looking to do is create a task with reminder after email is sent based on certain conditions. Say reminder popup or email in 4 hours after that has to be marked as completed.

        For example: From Specific Email - Sent to Specific Email address or Domain Name with a certain subject line name.

