BCC Functionality?

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  • gauravk
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2018
    • 15

    BCC Functionality?

    Hello - is there a way to link an email from my external email client and upload it into the CRM? Can I forward it to a BCC email address?
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8642


    If you have checked to use an external email client in preferences, you can force the system to add bcc. In data/condig.php add the parameter 'outboundEmailBccAddress' => 'email@address'.
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    • gauravk
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2018
      • 15

      Hello again yuri this would mean that any email sent out of the CRM would bcc to a set email address; however what we're trying to do is have this setup in our 3rd part client.

      Please refer to this thread for additional clarity/background on question:
      Hello, I am new to EspoCRM and am just going through the testing of the software. So far, it seems really good, and am pleased to see a community helping each


