Voip call status workflow

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  • muulox
    • Jan 2022
    • 47

    Voip call status workflow


    I have an incoming call that has a status of 'NOT HELD'. The employee calls back this number from the call log, and in this case, I need a workflow that changes the call status from 'NOT HELD' to 'HELD'. This way, I can monitor which calls have been RECALD AND HELD. At the end of the day, there should not be any incoming 'NOT HELD' calls.
    Is it possible to find a solution for this?
    Thank you!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by muulox; Yesterday, 01:27 PM.
  • victor
    Active Community Member
    • Aug 2022
    • 819

    If an employee makes new call from the old call with a certain status, the current (old) call simply remains with its status and the rest of the data. However, making a new call creates a new record with the new status. If these statuses are edited in any way other than as assigned by VoIP, confusion will arise.

    Simply put, the record for each call should be (was and will be) unique for its specific logging and monitoring both in EspoCRM and on the telephony side.

    In your case, the employee monitors each call. And if you need to have RECALD AND HELD or RECALD at the end of the shift, the employee can do this using Mass Update (by selecting the necessary calls that should be changed to the status).
    Last edited by victor; Yesterday, 02:09 PM.

