We've been using EspoCRM for several months now, and we've been pleasantly surprised by its growing capabilities and how many of our ideas we can implement within the system. This forum has also been a valuable resource for us - learning from others' experiences and finding solutions to various challenges. Since we often turn to this community first, I wanted to contribute something back to the knowledge base.
In EspoCRM’s documentation on Office365 integration setup (https://docs.espocrm.com/extensions/...p/#integration), the configuration process is described. However, we noticed that the instructions are incomplete. While the email synchronization component works correctly, we encountered issues connecting to Calendars and Contacts. Specifically, when logging into O365, we received an error message indicating that admin approval of permissions was required in Azure. Unfortunately, even after the administrator approved the permissions, the session wouldn’t persist, resulting in the following error:
After thorough analysis and numerous attempts to resolve the issue, we discovered that two additional permissions are required for proper synchronization of Calendars and Contacts: (Microsoft Graph) openid and email. Interestingly, the application doesn’t request these permissions explicitly in O365. Nevertheless, enabling these permissions resolved the issue for us.
Hopefully, this post will help anyone facing a similar challenge
Best regards, Jacek
We've been using EspoCRM for several months now, and we've been pleasantly surprised by its growing capabilities and how many of our ideas we can implement within the system. This forum has also been a valuable resource for us - learning from others' experiences and finding solutions to various challenges. Since we often turn to this community first, I wanted to contribute something back to the knowledge base.
In EspoCRM’s documentation on Office365 integration setup (https://docs.espocrm.com/extensions/...p/#integration), the configuration process is described. However, we noticed that the instructions are incomplete. While the email synchronization component works correctly, we encountered issues connecting to Calendars and Contacts. Specifically, when logging into O365, we received an error message indicating that admin approval of permissions was required in Azure. Unfortunately, even after the administrator approved the permissions, the session wouldn’t persist, resulting in the following error:
App log: Oauth: Refreshing expired token for client {ID}
Hopefully, this post will help anyone facing a similar challenge
Best regards, Jacek