When I convert a lead to Contact, the salutation name is not fetched, although it is present in the lead. I already checked the translations, as in espoCRM there ar Mr., Mrs. as salutation names.
As I do nit have access to the lead conversion detail view, I tried to change it by copying the respective field to the custom lead.json. But the I get an error
How will I get the salutaion Name in my language into the lead conversion.
As I do nit have access to the lead conversion detail view, I tried to change it by copying the respective field to the custom lead.json. But the I get an error
2025-01-17 16:10:55] CRITICAL: (0) Field 'convertEntityList' has no type. :: GET /Lead/67868be4c6d694f77 :: /var/www/espocrm/application/Espo/ORM/Defs/FieldDefs.php(74)