Customer-name and user-name in email-template for meetings?

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  • sttn
    Thank you, now i geht the name.

    But not more. I take a Look into the source, there is no problem to enhance it to geht more information from the entity.

    It's a change from the standard, but it helps me. (And other)

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  • yuri
    This placeholder should work:


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  • sttn
    Thank you, but sorry.

    I need only the one contact or the user where the Email geht. Not all contacts and users. I will generate a personal text for every receiver.

    For Example: Three poeple are inviteed to the Meeting. Mrs. Miller, Mr. Smith, Mr. Kim.
    And in the e-mail to Mrs Miller i will say: "Hello Mrs. Miller..." and in the e-mail to Mr. Kim: "Hello Mr. Kim."


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  • victor
    Schematically - this means taking screenshots and marking the required fields/data.

    What I understand: you need to get a list of Contacts and Users in Attendees (screenshot 1).

    To do this, you need to create an Email Template (screenshot 2) with similar code:
    HTML Code:
    {{#each contacts}}
    Contact name: {{firstName}} {{lastName}}
    {{#each users}}
    User name: {{firstName}} {{lastName}}
    And when you create an email whose Parent is the meeting we need, then after applying the template you will get the result as in screenshot 3.
    Attached Files

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  • sttn
    Ok, there two kinds of people at a Meeting: Contacts and User. I will add some personal information in the email, firstname und lastname for example. I need it from both entities.

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  • victor
    Please try to schematically depict exactly what data from the existing meeting you want to transfer to the Email Template.

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  • Customer-name and user-name in email-template for meetings?


    i need the receiver-name the invitation-email from a meeting. Is it possilbe to get the contact und user name.

    Now, i know only the way to get all contacts:

    {{#each contacts}}
    Contact attending meeting's name: {{name}}

    ... but I need only the contact-name from the receiver from the email.

    Does someone know how?

    Best regards
