Hi. We have a custom entity 'Donation', linked to Contacts (Contact > Donation has a one-to-many relationship defined). To do mass emails, i understand i need to base a list report on Contact (for our case). Some reports require me to filter on columns of the Donation entity. The list report currently lists Contacts that adhere to the filter. But i would like to also show columns of the Donation entity in the list report. I can't find out how to do that: the columns of Donation don't show up as columns i can pick in the List report. I have already done a Rebuild, i have cleared the cache, i have the right to see and edit all fields of Donation.
Does Espo CRM currently have no option to show multiple columns of a linked custom entity in a list report?
Does Espo CRM currently have no option to show multiple columns of a linked custom entity in a list report?