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Knowledge Articles / Categories - Navigation on the left problem
Knowledge Articles / Categories - Navigation on the left problem
See bug report at github:
I've some extra information to share, which I hope will help with this issue.
I did rebuild the category paths. Otherwise, I would not have submitted a possible bug.
I investigated further in my customizations of the KnowledgeArticleCategory entity. I've got these custom files:
Code:www-data@nvkh-crm:~/crm$ find custom/ | grep -i knowledgebasecat custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/KnowledgeBaseCategory.json custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/scopes/KnowledgeBaseCategory.json custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/KnowledgeBaseCategory.json custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/formula/KnowledgeBaseCategory.json
I narrowed the problem down to this file:
Code:ifThen(string\lowerCase( == 'dynamis', $matches = string\matchExtract(name, '/dynamis\s*[#]([0-9]+)/i'); ifThen(array\length($matches) > 0, $nr = array\at($matches, 0); ifThen($nr, $nr = number\parseInt($nr); order = $nr; ); ); );
As a last resort, I cleared the formula completely, i.e. no formula anymore.
After that, when I did the rebuild of EspoCRM, clearing the cache and the category path rebuild,
Ctrl-F5 and then it works again.
I hope this helps.
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