How to customize Calendar Views [Entity View & Dashlet View]

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  • trungtvmso
    • Jun 2022
    • 70

    How to customize Calendar Views [Entity View & Dashlet View]

    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to customize my Espo. Everything is ok now but I've tried so many ways to custom my Calendar entity view and Calendar dashlet view but it doesn't work anyway.

    Can anyone help me to guide me any solution to custom those views pls? I want to disable create event directly thru Calendar. User only can create events from Event's List View.

    Thank you so much.
  • rabii
    Active Community Member
    • Jun 2016
    • 1268

    You need to create a custom view for the calendar that extend the existing view and customise the code to reflect your desired outcome. There is a createEvent function that need to be omitted or even the select method which calls the createEvent.
    Web Dev


    • trungtvmso
      • Jun 2022
      • 70

      Originally posted by rabii
      You need to create a custom view for the calendar that extend the existing view and customise the code to reflect your desired outcome. There is a createEvent function that need to be omitted or even the select method which calls the createEvent.
      ye, can you let me know the path of calendar view to extend its view pls? I'm looking for the path of calendar view but could not locate it. Thank you so much.


      • esforim
        Active Community Member
        • Jan 2020
        • 2205

        Here some thread related to Calendar. See if there any information for you there.

        Hello! I'm trying to change the calendar color but it can't find the file to do it. I want to change the actual day color (the yellow one). Can someone help me?

        Hello Yuri, do you think it's possible to put some setting of calendar to admin section or user preference ? calendar.js line 55 slotDuration: 30, <-- this value line +- 530 var options = { header: false, custom // hiddenDays: this.getConfig().get('calendarHiddenDays') || [], custom // minTime: '08:00:00', custom //

        Hi, It would be good if you could define the colors of the calendar (Entity: Call, Meeting, Task, own, ... ) itself. Peter

        EspoCRM use modified version of: if I remember correctly.


        • rabii
          Active Community Member
          • Jun 2016
          • 1268

          Originally posted by trungtvmso

          ye, can you let me know the path of calendar view to extend its view pls? I'm looking for the path of calendar view but could not locate it. Thank you so much.
          Ok you need to create a custom calendar view file called Calendar.json under custom\Espo\Custom\Resources\metadata\clientDefs and there you can define a path to the custom view calendar as below

          PHP Code:

          Then create the custom calendar.js view under client\custom\src\views\calendar then you can extend the existing view crm:views/calendar/calendar and copy all code and make changes as required (in fact changes will be in only a single function afterRender)

          Remember these changes will disable the function to all existing users including admin.

          I hope this helps
          Web Dev


          • trungtvmso
            • Jun 2022
            • 70

            Thank you so much both of you guys, your all replies are helping me to complete my custom ERP. Also I want to say thanks to ESPOCRM to let me have chance to learn javascript and train it much better than before (I'm not full-time developer).

            Thank you so much.


            • lexman
              lexman commented
              Editing a comment
              I always never try to change the code. Saves me a lot of pain when Espocrm version upgrades become available. I was able to create a clinic patient appointment calendar without hacking the code.

            • esforim
              esforim commented
              Editing a comment
              I think as long as you know how to do Custom it will never affect update... unless major change that cause 'extension' error.

            • trungtvmso
              trungtvmso commented
              Editing a comment
              lexman, I can understand that you dont want to change the code because at the first time when I try to use Espocrm, I have so many confused also I didnt know anything in coding. But after years using it, I knew if I want something more useful with Espocrm I have 2 options:

              1. Pay for the Advanced Ext > Low code + save times but the cost is my problem.
              2. Learn how to code > Spend more time + Pain as much as I could BUT what I have learnt is much better than ever, I can control Espocrm more day after day.

              So with me, I picked the 2nd option Learning everyday for Growing everyday In the future I think I would be shared to you guys a final build of Espocrm what it could help who you are facing same situation as like me.