API and Mail
Here is the payload data if you want to support multiple email addresses:
Code:{ "emailAddressData":[ { "emailAddress":"test11@test.com", "primary":true, "optOut":false, "invalid":false, "lower":"test11@test.com" }, { "emailAddress":"test22@test.com", "primary":false, "optOut":true, "invalid":true, "lower":"test22@test.com" } ] }
API and Mail
We have created an entity based on "Person".
The data should be inserted via API.
What is the name of the e-mail field to be able to describe it with the API?
emailAddress ?
I can't find an emailAddress field in the entity table.
Is it possible to write two email addresses in the field via API?
Is it possible to set the favourite via API?
We still have version 7.2.5.
Best regards
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