How can i fetch the count of opportunities of Contact using Formula or Report, Based on the count I want to update the customer as Gold, Basic, Platinum status. Can anyone please help?
How can i fetch the count of opportunities of Contact
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Hi Ashif Malayil,
To get the count of opportunities related to a contact using a formula script, you can use the following lines:
Code:$opportunitiesIds = record\findRelatedMany('Contact', id, 'opportunities', 10000, 'createdAt', 'desc'); $opportunitiesCount = array\length($opportunitiesIds);
I have put the first formula in Contact module, [countOfOpportunities=record\findRelatedMany('Conta ct', id, 'opportunities', 10000);] after mass update it's showing value but when i am creating another opportunity from the contact, the count is not changing even after doing updates in contact also it is showing old value, i want the count should increase each time we are creating a opportunity related to this ocntact?Comment
1. Create List Report (with Contact entity type) with a filter shown in the screenshot 1.
2. Create Scheduled Workflow with Actions > Execute Formula Script with the following formula (screenshot 2):
HTML Code:$opportunitiesIds = record\findRelatedMany('Contact', id, 'opportunities', 10000, 'createdAt', 'desc'); $opportunitiesCount = array\length($opportunitiesIds); description = $opportunitiesCount;