Create Multiple Related Records From One Relationship Field

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  • dodom2
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 198

    Create Multiple Related Records From One Relationship Field

    I have a point tracker system for training. For example I will select lets say 10 employees in one training record. I then (when saved) want to run either via a formula or by BPM a flow to create one "point tracker" record for each employee selected.

    My goal is to be able to run a report totaling all points and group by employee name.

    So my question is how can I create multiple records from one relationship field?
  • rabii
    Active Community Member
    • Jun 2016
    • 1264

    Hey dodom2

    It is easy to do it, you can use a bpm or you can use just before save script formula like below, please make sure you build a proper condition to make sure that the system creates those records only when certain condition happened:

    PHP Code:
    if (entity\isAttributeChanged('employeesIds') && employeesIds) {
        $e = 0;
        while ($e < array\length(employeesIds)) {
            if (record\exists('TrackingPoint', 'employeeId=', array\at(employeesIds, $e))) {
            record\create('TrackingPoint', 'name', 'some-name', 'employeeId', array\at(employeesIds, $e));
            $e = $e + 1;
    Web Dev


    • dodom2
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2020
      • 198

      Thank you rabii however I dont really understand your formula. Maybe you can help with my fields?

      In my Training Module I have this field called "membersOnSceneIds" which is the relationship field I use to select each employee that was at the training. I also have "pointsIssued" in this same module that I enter in how many points we are issuing to the employee for attending the training. Having this said once I save a record for the first time and "membersOnSceneIds" field is not empty && "pointsIssued" is greater than 0 then I would like to create a point tracker record (which I understand is the record\create in this case).

      After I save this record if I update the "membersOnSceneIds" or "pointsIssued" fields and save then it should update the related (already created) point tracker record which we will say is "pointTrackerRecord".

      Any help is appreciated


      • rabii
        Active Community Member
        • Jun 2016
        • 1264

        Hey, i am happy to help, i need to know the exact name of the models (entities) as far as i understand you 3 entities (Training - Employee - PointTrackerRecord) is that correct ?

        What is the relationship between the PointTrackerRecord and the Employee entities ? what is the field on PointTrackerRecord that represent the employee?

        It would be easier if you could share some screenshots, pointsIssued is it part of training ?
        Web Dev


        • dodom2
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2020
          • 198

          For the sake of this forumla lets say

          PointTrackerModule (which is where all point trackers records are stored, and also what were trying to create. This is the module that I will pull reports from)

          Thank You


          • rabii
            Active Community Member
            • Jun 2016
            • 1264

            I am still not sure how it works between your entities, but you can try this code below:

            PHP Code:
            // This code will be executed when a new training is created. It will check the conditions below and execute the code
            if (entity\isNew() && membersOnSceneIds && pointsIssued > 0) {
                $e = 0;
                // Here we will loop through the existing/selected members (employees).
                while ($e < array\length(membersOnSceneIds)) {
                    // we check if a tracking point already exists. If yes we go to next itertaion. I assume employee is the name field of the relationship between the trackingpoint
                    if (record\exists('PointTrackerRecord', 'employeeId=', array\at(membersOnSceneIds, $e))) {
                    // otherwise if record does not exist we create the record.
                    record\create('TrackingPoint', 'name', 'some-name', 'employeeId', array\at(membersOnSceneIds, $e));
                    $e = $e + 1;
            // This code will be executed when an existing training record is updated. It will check the conditions below and execute the code
            if (!entity\isNew() &&
                    entity\isAttributeChanged('membersOnSceneIds') && membersOnSceneIds ||
                    entity\isAttributeChanged('pointsIssued') && pointsIssued > 0
            ) {
                $prefetchedMembersIds = entity\attributeFetched('membersOnSceneIds');
                $p = 0;
                // Here we will loop through the existing/selected members (employees).
                while ($p < array\length($prefetchedMembersIds)) {
                    // we check if a tracking point already exists. If yes we update the record with new data.
                    if (
                        array\includes(membersOnSceneIds, array\at($prefetchedMembersIds, $p)) &&
                        record\exists('PointTrackerRecord', 'employeeId=', array\at($prefetchedMembersIds, $p))
                    ) {
                        record\update('TrackingPoint', 'pointsIssued', pointsIssued, 'employeeId', array\at($prefetchedMembersIds, $p));    
                    // This code will delete a PointTrackerRecord if a member has ben removed from the list. Plase note that record/delete() is available only on version 7.4.0.
                    if (
                        !array\includes(membersOnSceneIds, array\at($prefetchedMembersIds, $p)) &&
                        record\exists('PointTrackerRecord', 'employeeId=', array\at($prefetchedMembersIds, $p))
                    ) {
                        $pointTrackerRecordId = record\findOne('PointTrackerRecord', 'createdAt', 'desc', 'employeeId=', ($prefetchedMembersIds, $p));
                        record\delete('PointTrackerRecord', $pointTrackerRecordId);
                    $p = $p + 1;
            Web Dev


            • dodom2
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2020
              • 198

              Thank you for taking the time to put this together. Give me a few days to work on this and I will report back the final results

