Expand fields in a panel row from 4 to 6?

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  • Mark G.
    • Nov 2021
    • 48

    Expand fields in a panel row from 4 to 6?

    Is there an easy way to expand the number of fields available per row in a panel, from 4 to 6, without having to use an extension?
    I'm working on a non-CRM application that has a lot of small fields and I'm trying to reduce the amount of blank space on the webpage..
    Thank you.
  • shalmaxb
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2015
    • 1632

    Best way, the Layout Pro extension from Eblasoft: https://www.eblasoft.com.tr/product-...crm-layout-pro


    • Mark G.
      Mark G. commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks. That's a nice extension, but overkill for what I need. Plus, I'm a little wary of extensions, as they do break, etc.
      I don't require anything fancy. I'm just looking for the minimum of code changes, to give me the extra fields on each line.

      I need to start looking at the Espo application files, to see where everything is. (I've done that in other systems).
      I merely thought someone else had already done this, so was looking to save a little time.
  • shalmaxb
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2015
    • 1632

    The extensions of Eblasoft do not break anything. I use them for nearly 2 years now and everything is ok. What you want to achieve at first glance does not seem too much, but you will have to change things in the template (which is based on bootstrap). I do not think, you will have to change anything in the core files of the application itself. This also would not be recommended at all, because you will lose those changes with every update, not to mention, you could break things in other places.
    When I started with espoCRM a few years ago and without completely understanding the system, I did that. The result was a completely broken app and afterwards I had to do it all again from scratch. Since then, I never ever would change anything in the core files.
    If you change things in the template, you can save that template in the client/custom/css folder, where your modifications will be safe regarding updates.

    By the way, I am not promoting Eblasoft extensions for any reason, except Eymen Elkum does a good job.


    • rabii
      Active Community Member
      • Jun 2016
      • 1265

      Hi Mark

      yeah i would advise you to use the extension https://www.eblasoft.com.tr/product-...crm-layout-pro super useful and give you a powerful ability to customise the layouts of the crm. I have used them for two year and never face a problem and even if there is any issue, Eyemen is really helpful and would help. He is a great developer. it is the best solution.
      Web Dev


      • Mark G.
        • Nov 2021
        • 48

        Many thanks for the input and respect to Eymen. I'm sure the extension suggested is a very handy addition for many users, however it was vast overkill (and an unneeded expense) for me, particularly if you start to factor in multiple licenses.

        After a bit of investigation, I have actually now implemented the particular change that I needed, with minor code changes to just two files.

        I'm going to be away for a few days. When I return, I will test everything out a bit more to make sure that it's robust, then I will post what I did, in case it's of any use to other Espo admins.

        Test screen shots below ... up to 12 fields in a panel row ...
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Mark G.; 11-30-2021, 02:53 AM.

