Web-to-Lead forms: possible to provide this feature as Salesforce does?

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  • chrisjiang
    • Dec 2018
    • 88

    Web-to-Lead forms: possible to provide this feature as Salesforce does?

    Hi developers,

    I was trying to connect a professional web form builder to EspoCRM through Lead Capture but failed due to its complexity. Possible to provide "Web-to-Lead forms" function in the future, as Salesforce does?

    Thanks for consideration.
  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2206

    I saw a setting to do that but not sure how to use it at the moment. It gave URL and API key after setting up.

    But yes, currently there doesn't seem to be a quick way to capture form data or syncing data.


    • crmclients
      crmclients commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks for confirming, trying for 2 days to do use/figure out Lead Capture, looks like it's not possible w/o code which you can't do in the cloud version.
  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2206

    crmclients Hi,

    Wow this is a really old post. Anyway over the course since I started using EspoCRM and learning here and there; I figured out how to do this but I never remember about this post in this thread to post an update.

    Please check out my guide here to do Web-to-Lead capture:

    In the future this thread will be use for discussion; the Wiki hosted on Github will be used instead to post update; please see: https://github.com/o-data/EspoCRM-Learning-and-Design/wiki Part 2 of this post can be found here: https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/gene...5114#post55114 (https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/general/54706


    • crmclients
      crmclients commented
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      Newbies are desperate for any shred of an example LOL - thanks so much for the lead - I did see your example but when I see code I sorta pass since I can't do any on the cloud instance - my client is using FormAssembly but I will try this out on one of my Wordpress sites. If I can get it to work maybe they will just need to use something else. - Thanks again!

    • crmclients
      crmclients commented
      Editing a comment
      Dude totally worked! Instantly worked!

      I would add I didn't need to

      1-edit the /wp-contents/contact7-api file
      2-add basic auth

      it's instantaneously added to the leads module!!! in test and production

      Next step, see if client can move from Form Assembly to Wordpress embedded Contact7 from in their Wix site. Ain't integration fun!

      Thank you a ton!!!!

      Adding the versions:
      ----Contact Form 7 - Version 5.2.2 | By Takayuki Miyoshi | View details
      ----Contact form 7 to api + Basic auth - Version 1.4.4 | By Kenny Meyer | View details
      ----Flamingo - Version 2.2 | By Takayuki Miyoshi
      Flamingo captures the data entered on the web site so you can export it later if needed, view submissions, etc.
      Last edited by crmclients; 09-28-2020, 07:19 PM.
  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2206

    Glad to hear it. It bit odd you didn't need to authenticate it some way though (maybe newer Contact7 has it build in, I'm not sure). With your issue solve there is no need to read the following but for future user it might be informative.

    With EspoCRM you need to Authenticate (secret key to say "please let me give you data"). At least that how I understand API, it not "public" API where no authentication needed. The URL already include this key so no issue here, the issue was it need a certain type of "Headers" which is why the code was needed, perhaps the Plugins was updated or yours Form already include it somehow.

    EspoCRM cloud don't matter since you not modifying any file for EspoCRM itself, you are modifying field of where your Form is hosted (in my case I host it through a Webserver > Wordpress installation > Plugins)
    Last edited by esforim; 09-29-2020, 06:12 AM.


    • esforim
      esforim commented
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      Never heard of Form Assembly and I had a quick look at it, quite expensive.

      From the look of it is possible and most likely very do-able base on what I read on this page: https://www.formassembly.com/integrations/
  • crmclients
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2020
    • 258

    esforim thanks for the elaboration, (i learn every time)

    I was wondering about the header info, as you read about it in the API Espo documentation, a header is needed but there didn't seem to be a way to send it from Form Assembly - the API key wasn't enough.

    FA has a several integrations (client was using for Salesforce before this) but if you cannot match then you default to
    • Connect to services that use HTTP POST or HTTP GET methods through our HTTPS Connector
    But the Connector doesn't seem to have a place for the header code like Contact7 does. Like you are saying w/o the header, Espo cannot give permission to POST. So glad you paved the way for this. It posts perfectly to the Espo cloud instance leads module.


    • esforim
      Active Community Member
      • Jan 2020
      • 2206

      From the look of it FA should be able to do it using the function that is currently provide. Just a matter of working out how I suppose. Perhaps you can try asking FA support and link to the Documentations and ask if they can give you some help.


      • crmclients
        crmclients commented
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        They have a continuous "Chat is full but we're here" on there website - $89/month is a lot considering a basic wordpress site is about $5/month, just for 1 or 2 forms; they might be happy to move, especially being a non-profit

        that said if I do ever get more info I will surely pass it on
        Last edited by crmclients; 09-30-2020, 06:09 PM.

      • esforim
        esforim commented
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        If form is all they want (and that is all FA is for) I believe there is quite a few paid plugins that would be able to do a good job at a single payment cost. I believe Ninja Form and Formidable Form is quite a good form alternative that can do API and integration much better than Contact7. You do need to research these though because I haven't got the chance to look into them yet.
    • crmclients
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2020
      • 258

      Thx! Ill take a look


      • crmclients
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2020
        • 258

        Revisiting and spending the day trying to try to resolve. Formassembly support is not helpful at all and no combination will create a lead in Espo - the Wordpress/Contact7 still works -perfectly- but the client is reviewing the SF and payment gateways and aren't ready to leave formassembly just yet.

        organizing attempts

        Method 1 - Green Status on Formassembly side but nothing is created
        200 Response from FA
        Remote script -https://espoinstance.com/#Lead/create
        ---Remote script -https://espoinstance.com/#Lead
        Method - POST (also tried PUT)
        Use HTTP Authentication - Username FA1 (with password)
        Fields - firstName lastName emailAddress phoneNumber
        No Lead Created

        Method 2 - RedStatus on Formassembly - Error in sending
        400 Response from FA
        Remote script -https://espoinstance.com/api/v1/LeadCapture/8f85f0df..........................key
        Method - POST (also tried PUT)
        Use HTTP Authentication - with or w/o
        Fields - firstName lastName emailAddress phoneNumber
        No Lead Created

        note data/logs error reports --->
        Espo.ERROR: (400) No appropriate data in payload.
        using field names from Espo CSV export - FA is a standard contact from "john doe 123 main street..." etc.
        the file suggest it is actually EMPTY
        i tried putting garbage field names on the formassembly side and Method 1 which is POST SUCCESS and got the same result POST SUCCESS so it looks like formassembly is not sending anything at all - their response log just shows a blank ESPO page

        Method 3 - Contact7 API -
        Contact7 response - n/a No Errors
        Base URL -https://espoinstance.com/api/v1/LeadCapture/8f85f0df..........................key
        Basic auth - n/a
        Bearer auth key - n/a
        Input Type - JSON
        Method - POST
        Template - automatically created with { firstName; lastName ;emailAddress; phoneNumber...etc }
        Lead Created

        Odd it is hard to find clear examples outside of use with Salesforce for this "connector" but there are some old posts about it not being able to handle integration/work with JSON. At this point, waiting on client to move it's other integrations to alternatives that won't rely on formassembly.
        Last edited by crmclients; 12-09-2020, 03:18 AM.


        • crmclients
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2020
          • 258

          2023 follow up to get it to work with Form Assembly:

          I reviewed this today and noticed the API setup for the Wordpress Contact7 form had the header info but the one I tried with Form Assembly didn't and I couldn't figure out how to send it having only one field to work with. TODAY it decided to create a new on and low and behold the header is now included. Here is a shot of the 2020 version and today's:

          This now works seamlessly with Form Assembly as it did with Wordpress Contact7, which if I remember right back then, had a checkbox for headers.

          Details in case anyone else is looking for this
          1. The goal was to bring data from the client website into the Lead module
          2. Used the Lead Capture from Administration
            1. Took the URL Epso created and added it to the REMOTE SCRIPT Field in Form Assembly (this is via the HTTPS connector)
            2. For the FA form, replaced the "tfa_3321" with "firstName" and so on
          3. Does -not- require an API User to be created
          4. Data is in the Lead Module w/in a few seconds of submission on the website
          5. Cool feature, you can add a optional Target List to the and every list will also show up in that list
          It was initially confusing with the API User options and needing to create that as well as the FA option to send uname/password; neither of these are required as it says in the doc regarding "authorization".

          Client is still not ready for this but when they are it will be.​

          Click image for larger version

Name:	header for web lead capture.png
Views:	473
Size:	107.9 KB
ID:	91293

