We conducted a extensive testing and review of the following products and list here a few items which we think can improve the outlook, functionality and maturity of the Espocrm product;
Products tested
Yeti - product appear to be a good fork from Vitger. Very cumbersome setup configuration. Dont like customization features.
SuiteCRM - product is a fork from Sugarcrm. Hopeless documentation. Had to fumble through the software. Loses all the help when we backup and restore. UI for installing personnel very cryptic
X2CRM - Fantastic product. Setback is support and development seems to have halted.
Espocrm - Fantastic product, very user friendly. Documentation not comprehensive in many areas and especially the Advance Pack (very skimpy). After review we have the following initial suggestion:
(1) Lookup Tables so the lookup can be reused and updated easily. The enum datatype is good but can be a real pain in the neck if the look is used in multiple places. Maintenance becomes a nightmare for User Tech Staff.
(2) Relationship Link between entities should define the linking key field. In creating a link between two entities, the foreign field(s) should be defined in the relationship setup and not hack the code or json files.
Products tested
Yeti - product appear to be a good fork from Vitger. Very cumbersome setup configuration. Dont like customization features.
SuiteCRM - product is a fork from Sugarcrm. Hopeless documentation. Had to fumble through the software. Loses all the help when we backup and restore. UI for installing personnel very cryptic
X2CRM - Fantastic product. Setback is support and development seems to have halted.
Espocrm - Fantastic product, very user friendly. Documentation not comprehensive in many areas and especially the Advance Pack (very skimpy). After review we have the following initial suggestion:
(1) Lookup Tables so the lookup can be reused and updated easily. The enum datatype is good but can be a real pain in the neck if the look is used in multiple places. Maintenance becomes a nightmare for User Tech Staff.
(2) Relationship Link between entities should define the linking key field. In creating a link between two entities, the foreign field(s) should be defined in the relationship setup and not hack the code or json files.