I would likes some option to prevent users from scheduling calls on saturday or sunday.
Workday definition for Calls
workflow triggers actions after record saved, so in workflow you can only reschedule the call, to the one of next working day.
If you want to prevent creation, you can create a beforeSave hook and throws error, if date start or date end is the weekend
Is there a way to do client form validation from the server hook? For example what kind of error should be thrown in order to make the client highlight wrong fields in the creation form? If not implemented I would like to suggest that as a feature request. For now I think I will probably reschedule from a workflow.
Yes, if you set view for these date fields (dateStart and dateEnd), you can add own validation
Ok. I will try that too.
Now I want also to customize/extend popup notifications for calls but popups are not a specific entity...
What is the correct path for setting custom call notification popups view?
custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/YourEntityType.jsonLast edited by tothewine; 01-15-2019, 04:26 PM.Comment
original https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/b...fications.json
custom custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/app/popupNotifications.jsonComment
I created custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/app/popupNotifications.json now I copy the existing "crm:views/meeting/popup-notification" from "\client\modules\crm\src\views\meeting\popup-notification.js" to "/client/custom/src/views/popup-notification.js". Is the path for the custom view correct?
More importantly I am not sure what the Espo.Define line should be for the extended custom popup notification.
This is the current one: Espo.define('crm:views/meeting/popup-notification', 'views/popup-notification', function (Dep) {
What do I put in there?Last edited by tothewine; 01-17-2019, 08:16 PM.Comment