i created an entity. Th data must be checked by serveral Persons so i created an workflow.
i made rules to change fields based on other fields. I did all Formulas in one workflow.
Here are the Rules
It is OK putting several Formulas in one Workflow?
Because nothing happend.
i created an entity. Th data must be checked by serveral Persons so i created an workflow.
i made rules to change fields based on other fields. I did all Formulas in one workflow.
Here are the Rules
ifThen( intstatus == new, cnsum = entity\sumRelated('rgposs', 'amountcorrection',) ); ifThen( status == 'check' && intstatus == new, cncreator = string\concatenate(createdBy.firstName, " ",createdBy.lastName);intstatus = 'check';cncreatordatetime = datetime\now();cncreatoruid = modifiedBy.userName;message = 'Neue Anfrage - Bitte prüfen ob CN erstellt werden muss' ); ifThen( status == 'accepted' && intstatus == 'check', cnrequestor = string\concatenate(modifiedBy.firstName, " ",modifiedBy.lastName);intstatus = 'accepted';cnrequestordatetime = datetime\now();cnrequestoruid = modifiedBy.userName;message = 'Korrektur notwendig - please certifie' ); ifThen( status == 'certified' && intstatus == 'accepted' && cnrequestoruid == modifiedBy.userName, cncertifier = string\concatenate(modifiedBy.firstName, " ",modifiedBy.lastName);intstatus = 'failed';status = 'failed';message = 'Fehler - Anforderer ist gleich Zertifizierer';cncertifierdatetime = datetime\now();cncertifieruid = modifiedBy.userName );
Because nothing happend.