Email integration Outlook Extension

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  • zkuun8
    • Dec 2024
    • 32

    Email integration Outlook Extension


    I'm trying to configure my emails in EspoCRM but I'm encountering issues.
    1. I'm using the Outlook integration extension.
    2. I'm working with an "organization" in Outlook 365 that includes two users.
    3. In this organization, I also have shared email addresses (e.g., no-reply@....).
    4. In my other apps (other than EspoCRM), I managed to configure email sending (so it's working there).
    5. Currently, in EspoCRM, I have successfully set up the emails for my two users, but I can't get the shared email address (shared at the Office level, not linked to a specific user) to work.

    Is this a limitation? Does an email address necessarily need to have a Microsoft user account to authenticate via OAuth?

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  • victor
    Active Community Member
    • Aug 2022
    • 818

    Hi zkuun8,

    There is already a topic on the forum about setting up Shared Email for Outlook:


    • item
      item commented
      Editing a comment
      Hi @victor,

      do you think there can be a "mistake? issue?" when the user have :
      - all microsoft account, in computer (windows, live, hotmail, ..) opened or active in computer or web browser ?

      Sample :
      - computer have "" account,
      - user have "" account

      and espoCrm have :
      - "" as professional account on Office365

      I think, there are a potential issue with "token" or "?" or "OAuth?".

      Just my 2 cent question.
      Last edited by item; 01-06-2025, 08:36 PM.

    • victor
      victor commented
      Editing a comment

      I honestly didn't understand your question and how it relates to Outlook Shared Email setup.
  • zkuun8
    • Dec 2024
    • 32

    Originally posted by macistda
    For the tutorial a paid license is required, so that is not a real "shared mailbox". It is generally possible to use a real "shared mailbox" with O365, without a additional paid licence.
    You have to login to Espo with a working (Microsoft licenced) account and connect that one to the shared (Espo-group) mailbox.

    The SMTP Login is the account from the Microsoft licenced one (that is not the shared E-Mail) Best way should be to login with a privacy Browsertab and login to the paid licenced account to Microsoft.
    The IMAP Login is the shared E-Mail box adress, that the correct Mailbox is checked. Works only with empty password at EspoCRM.

    Disadvantage is that the E-Mail send from Espo via the Group-Mailbox are placed in "Sended objects" to the Microsoft licenced account.
    To place the send E-Mails to the right Mailbox we programed a cronjob via a python script and Microsoft EWS to move the E-Mails to the correct shared mailbox send objects.
    I feel this workaround a bit strange and don't understand why we need to send item in SMTP using paid licence account. I mean, with Powershell, , I'm able to send email in Oauth (with a free shared email account) without the need to use the SMTP from a paid licence account.
    My question is : do you plan to modify this point in a near future? or are you ok with this process?

    The other point I wonder about is the security :
    - the paid account licence is my main email adress, with very critical datas.
    - the shareemail is designed to be used by all my EspoCRM users.
    - as we said the shared email needs an SMTP configuration using my main email adress (paid account licence).
    I wonder if any of these users could hack my main email adresse (paid licence) which used for sending mail, or to read my sent email ?

    Last point : I don't really undestand this part :

    Best way should be to login with a privacy Browsertab and login to the paid licenced account to Microsoft.
    Last edited by zkuun8; 01-07-2025, 11:05 AM.

