Sales Pack - XInvoice

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  • Bernhard
    • Jan 2019
    • 46

    Hi Yuri,

    I was busy for a while and just saw yesterday how much you have implemented. Great job!


    • yuri
      • Mar 2014
      • 8669

      If anybody have thoughts and ideas regarding payment means, how we could better implement it, please share.

      As I understand, in Germany an invoice can have only one payment mean. Would we need multiple ones? As the standard allows multiple payment means per invoice. Maybe in some countries it's a common practice to have multiple payment means?
      If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


      • dodom2
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2020
        • 198

        We often accept multiple payments per invoice. Its pretty common in the states.


        • yuri
          yuri commented
          Editing a comment
          The question is not about payments but payment means. E.g. credit card, cash, etc.
      • hom
        Junior Member
        • Nov 2017
        • 28

        Hi Yuri,

        thanks again for the great work. You asked about suggestions. Here we go.

        I suggest a new section "Payment information" under Invoice. It should contain the following payment methods:
        Code (BT-81) English text (BT-82) German text (BT-82) Information is to be transferred for
        30 Credit transfer Überweisung BG-17
        58 SEPA credit transfer SEPA Überweisung BG-17
        59 SEPA direct debit SEPA Lastschrift BG-19
        48 Bank card Bankkarte BG-18
        54 Credit card Kreditkarte BG-18
        55 Debit card Debitkarte BG-18

        BG-17: Informations for (BT-81) code 30 and 58
        Assignment Name (EN) Name (DE) Fieldtype Enforcing
        BT-85 Payment account name Kontoinhaber Free text field No
        BT-84 Payment account identifier Kontonummer/IBAN Free text field Yes
        BT-86 Payment service provider identifier BIC Free text field Yes (Code 30)
        No (Code 58)
        BT-83 Remittance information Verwendungszweck Free text field No
        BT-20 Payment terms Zahlungsbedingungen Free text field No

        BG-19: nformations for (BT-81)code 59
        Assignment Name (EN) Name (DE) Feldtyp Enforcing
        BT-89 Mandate reference identifier Mandatsreferenznummer Free text field Yes
        BT-90 Bank assigned creditor identifier Gläubiger ID Free text field Yes
        BT-91 Debited account identifier Kontonummer/IBAN Free text field Yes

        BG-18: nformations for (BT-81) code 48, 54 and 55
        Assignment Name (EN) Name (DE) Feldtyp Enforcing
        BT-87* Payment card primary account number Kartennummer Free text field No
        BT-88 Payment card holder name Name des Karteninhabers Free text field No
        *Note to BT-87
        In accordance with the security standards applicable to credit cards, an invoice may not contain the full card number. However, it must show the last 4 to 6 digits of the card. Suggestion "****1234" (show the last four digits).

        Add under Administration > Sales Pack > Settings > Electronic Invoicing a new section with account information. It should contain the fields:
        BT-85 Payment account name Kontoinhaber Free text field
        BT-84 Payment account identifier Kontonummer/IBAN Free text field
        BT-86 Payment service provider identifier BIC Free text field
        These should then also be used as preallocation for the BT-81 code 30 and 58.

        Other task:
        Please also include the "Description" field from the invoice module in the E-Invoice as an "Invoic note" (BT-22). The field already exists, it is just not yet included in the E-Invoice schema.

        Thanks for the great development. Feel free to ask, if anything is unclear.


        • yuri
          yuri commented
          Editing a comment
          > Please also include the "Description" field from the invoice module in the E-Invoice as an "Invoic note" (BT-22). The field already exists, it is just not yet included in the E-Invoice schema.

          It's tricky as one may use Description for internal purposes and not willing the text to be exposed to a customer
      • yuri
        • Mar 2014
        • 8669

        Thanks for input.

        As the standard allows multiple Payment Means and it's a common practice to offer multiple payment means in an Invoice, we'd rather allow multiple means too.

        It could be done with many-to-many relationship. Payment Mean would be a separate entity.
        If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


        • hom
          Junior Member
          • Nov 2017
          • 28

          I don't think it is intended to specify multiple payment methods in an e-invoice. As far as I have checked the available templates and programs, there is always only one payment method to be used. As far as I have seen, there are not even different accounts for a bank transfer. Only one payment method is used with the corresponding information.

          If anyone has any other information on this, please write.


          • yuri
            • Mar 2014
            • 8669

            It's better to implement according the original standard. It will be up to user whether to add multiple payment options. If we implement one, it will be impossible to migrate in the future to many without issues.​
            If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


            • yuri
              • Mar 2014
              • 8669

              I read that in Germany it's a requirement to have one payment mean per Invoice. But it's not in all countries that way.

              There's is a parameter to limit max number of items in a Link-Multiple field. An admin can set it to 1.
              If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


              • hom
                Junior Member
                • Nov 2017
                • 28

                ok, that sounds great.


                • hom
                  Junior Member
                  • Nov 2017
                  • 28

                  Hi Yuri,

                  do you think that payment information for electronic invoicing and a description field (BT-22) will be implemented in near future?


                  • yuri
                    yuri commented
                    Editing a comment
                    I don't know yet. It's risky to hurry with implementation
                • hom
                  Junior Member
                  • Nov 2017
                  • 28

                  Hi Yuri,

                  I share your view that stability should come before rapid implementation. My question was more about whether implementation can be expected before the end of the year? Because this is the only way to meet the obligation to use e- invoicing, which comes into force at the beginning of next year.


                  • yuri
                    yuri commented
                    Editing a comment
                    I think I'll write a tutorial how to add use custom fields in e-invoices.

                    After some research and analysis I came to a conclusion that the payment terms design we have discussed above will not suit well if we add the Payments feature to Sales Pack in the future.
                • Nina
                  Junior Member
                  • Apr 2021
                  • 25


                  As we should already be sending out the first e-invoices... :/
                  I wanted to take care of the settings in ESPO today.

                  Maybe I don't have a good overview yet, but I still get the following error messages and can't find where I can currently make the entries.

                  Invalid invoice.

                  Failed rule ID: BR-CO-25

                  In case the Amount due for payment (BT-115) is positive, either the Payment due date (BT-9) or the Payment terms (BT-20) shall be present.

                  When we started using the sales pack, we actually created fields for ‘Payment due date’. But it doesn't know how to use them now.

                  Unfortunately, this is the first time I've dealt with e-invoicing. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything in the documentation at the moment.

                  Or has this not yet been implemented?
                  I can't quite make heads or tails of the thread here ;D​

                  Maybe you can give me a hint where I can find the settings


                  • yuri
                    • Mar 2014
                    • 8669

                    Hi Nina,

                    We have a built-in Due Date field in the Invoice entity type. You need to use it instead of the custom field. You may need to add it to the Detail layout.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	213
Size:	19.2 KB
ID:	111954
                    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


                    • Nina
                      Junior Member
                      • Apr 2021
                      • 25

                      Thank you Yuri!

                      You can't see the wood for the trees...
                      ... it was very obvious.​


                      • hom
                        Junior Member
                        • Nov 2017
                        • 28

                        Hello Yuri,

                        if a global solution for payment processing is not possible, instructions for creating and customizing custom fields would be very helpful.
                        Many thanks in advance.​

