I added an entity named appointments and created a relationship with people to this entity. What I want to do is when I add a new appointment, the previous appointments of that person will also appear. Thanks.
"Yes, I have an entity called appointments. Contacts can request appointments. There's also an appointment status within the appointments. However, they can request appointments repeatedly. When they request an appointment again, I want to see that contact's appointments under the appointment entity."
You create a relationship 1:n from Contact to Appointment, then you can choose as many appointments to the contact. In each appointment you will see the respective contact.
Understand, that relationships create the necessary fields, which you then can place in your entities. And when you place a new appointment, it will appear in the contact, the contact in the appointment.
To place more information about the appointment in the Contact, you must create aditional field and fetch the content by formula.
Another possibility for a more extended information from appointments to contact would be to use the extension Link Pro from Eblasoft.
And if you want to show the other appointments in every appointment, you can create a n:n relationship in appointments with itself. To have more fields, than just the name, you should use the extension mentioned above.
I attach a screenshot from my app, showing how a list of appointments could look like (don`t mind the remarks, it is only an example for the appearance). In the screenshot you see the related records displayed in the main entity. In your app this kist would be the appointments, displayed in contacts.1 PhotoComment