Uncaught TypeError in setupTranslation After Updating to Version 8.0.*

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  • vps
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2019
    • 9

    Uncaught TypeError in setupTranslation After Updating to Version 8.0.*

    Hello EspoCRM Community,

    we've recently updated our EspoCRM instance to version 8.0 and are experiencing an issue with one of our custom entities. The entity type is BasicPlus. When clicking on the Details view for this entity, an empty screen is displayed. However, other custom entities of the same type do not encounter this issue. Interestingly, this only happens when logged in as a non-admin user, even if the user is assigned all permissions.

    The console shows the following error message:

    ​Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: right-hand side of 'in' should be an object, got null
    setupTranslation espo-main.js:27570
    setupTranslation espo-main.js:27569
    setup espo-main.js:27535
    _initialize bullbone.umd.js:1007
    prepare bullbone.umd.js:2871
    create bullbone.umd.js:2860
    _getViewClass bullbone.umd.js:2904
    _load loader.js:694
    require loader.js:429
    require loader.js:1134
    viewLoader espo-main.js:31523
    No errors are displayed in the server or EspoCRM logs.

    Has anyone encountered this issue or can anyone provide guidance on how to resolve it?

    Thank you in advance for your assistance.

    Best regards,
    Attached Files
  • victor
    Active Community Member
    • Aug 2022
    • 815


    Please tell me if you have any conditions set in Administration > Entity Manager > your_entity_name > Layouts Detail > Layout > Overview > Conditions making panel visible?
    Attached Files


    • vps
      vps commented
      Editing a comment

      Hi Victor,

      thanks for your quick reply.

      There are no conditions that make the panel invisible. Against that it has something to do with the visibility conditions, that I as admin-user see the detail view correctly.

      Non-admin-user can't see the details even with all rights.
  • vps
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2019
    • 9

    Attached are screenshots of the same entity. Once logged in as admin user and once as non-admin user. non-admin users see only a blank screen even though they have permissions. The same problem occurs when viewing the user profile as a non-admin user.


    • victor
      victor commented
      Editing a comment
      Please tell me, if the Regular User (the one who cannot see the content of the entity) temporarily changes the type from ''Regular'' to ''Admin'', is it normal for this User to display the data after that?
  • ferbguy
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2022
    • 17

    I are experiencing something similar to vps.
    But the console error I see is,
    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'optionsPath' of 'this.getMetadata(...).get(...)' as it is null.
    at s.setupOptions (espo-main.js:62442:9)
    at s.setup (espo-main.js:27448:12)
    at s._initialize (bullbone.umd.js:1007:18)
    at e.Factory.prepare (bullbone.umd.js:2871:18)
    at bullbone.umd.js:2860:22
    at bullbone.umd.js:2904:17
    at Object._load (loader.js:694:21)
    at Object.require (loader.js:429:22)
    at Object.require (loader.js:1134:20)
    at e.Factory.viewLoader (espo-main.js:31432:21)

    victor If the Regular User is temporarily changed to Admin User, the data is displayed to the User as expected.


    • ferbguy
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2022
      • 17


      This issue would occur for me because the Entity A that the regular user was trying to view had few foreign fields belonging to another Entity B. The Role that the Regular user belonged to did not have view access to the Entity B.

      By providing the Role of the regular user view access to Entity B (i.e. Administration > Roles) the issue stopped happening.

      FYI victor

