Set a Portal User to only allow editing a record based on conditions?

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  • axyl
    • Jun 2021
    • 32

    Set a Portal User to only allow editing a record based on conditions?

    Hey All,

    Any ideas on how I might restrict a Portal User to only being able to edit fields based on conditions? Such as only accepting edits when the status field is set to draft? Should I be looking at the onSave hook? Does the hook event describe that the edit came from the Portal?

    (Normal CRM staff should always be able to edit.)

  • Firyo
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2022
    • 134

    Hi there,

    You could use the beforeSave hook for this.
    I doubt there is a feature / tweak for this.


    • rabii
      Active Community Member
      • Jun 2016
      • 1250

      Originally posted by axyl
      Hey All,

      Any ideas on how I might restrict a Portal User to only being able to edit fields based on conditions? Such as only accepting edits when the status field is set to draft? Should I be looking at the onSave hook? Does the hook event describe that the edit came from the Portal?

      (Normal CRM staff should always be able to edit.)

      I think it is doable using front end custom view, here is how i would do it, i would create a custom record/view for my entity type as below:

      1 - under custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/your-entity-type.json (define a custom record view)
      PHP Code:
          "recordViews": {
              "detail": "custom:views/your-entity-type/record/detail"

      2 - Implement the logic to set fields read if the current user isPortal and status field is draft (create the custom view under client/custom/src/views/your-entity-type/record/detail.js)
      PHP Code:
      define('custom:views/your-entity-type/record/detail', ['views/record/detail'], function (Dep) {
          return Dep.extend({
              setup: function() {
              setupFieldPermission() {
                  this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:status', () => this.controlFieldPermission());
              controlFieldPermission() {
                  if (!this.getUser().isPortal()) {
                  // here you can check if the status if draft then set field to readOnly mode.
                  if (this.model.get('status') === 'Draft') {

      I hope this helps
      Web Dev


      • item
        item commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks Rabii,
        yours posts are always great.

      • rabii
        rabii commented
        Editing a comment
        you are welcome item
        appreciate your words mate
    • axyl
      • Jun 2021
      • 32

      Thanks for the replies, but I'd rather block at the server first security wise.

      I came up with this...this example checks if the description field of the contact has the value of meh . If so, and the user is a portal user, then they cannot save changes to the record. (I have some logging in there too, just for the testing of the process)

      PHP Code:
      namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\Contact;
      use Espo\ORM\Entity;
      use Espo\Core\Hook\Hook\BeforeSave;
      use Espo\ORM\Repository\Option\SaveOptions;
      use Espo\Core\Exceptions\Error;
      use Espo\Entities\User;
      class checkPortalSaveHook implements BeforeSave
          // An optional parameter, defines in which order hooks will be processed.
          // Lesser value means sooner.
          public static int $order = 1;
          public function __construct(
              // Define needed dependencies.
              private User $loggedInUser,
          ) {}
          public function beforeSave(Entity $entity, SaveOptions $options): void {
              // If the user is editing from the portal, then deny the edit.
              $log= $GLOBALS['log'];
              $log->error("checkPortalSaveHook - options");
              $log->error(print_r($options, true));
              $log->error("Portal User");
              $isPortal= $this->loggedInUser->isPortal();
              $log->error(print_r($isPortal, true));        
              $description= $entity->get('description');
              if ($description=="meh" && $isPortal) {
                  throw new Error("No permission to edit this record");            


      • rabii
        Active Community Member
        • Jun 2016
        • 1250

        Looks cool

        Just be aware that your user might be confused hence an error is occurring but no hints on what is the error and why. I think if you want to use a backend it would be better to use saveError Handler
        Web Dev


        • trungtvmso
          • Jun 2022
          • 70

          Hello all, I'm very sorry because re-pump this topic again. But can we use condition for inlineEditDisabled Metadata ? I would like to extend detail view and set User can inline-edit or not by some conditions.

