Hook on Quote, beforeSave, afterSave calculations

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  • jensolsson.se
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2022
    • 20

    Hook on Quote, beforeSave, afterSave calculations


    I made a custom hook on Quote to make two calculations. I want to know how much of the products are recurring and how much is one-off. For this I also added a recurring property to Product. Now it does work sort of, but for some reason on initial save my hook makes the products saved twice. Lets say I have in the quote 2x Mobile Phones, 2x Subsctiptions so 4 items in total. When Saved I have a list of: 2x Mobile Phones, 2x Subscriptions, 2x Mobile Phones, 2x Subscriptions, so 8 items in total.
    I thoought I should probably make my afterSave hook a beforeSave hook instead. But since it is not saved I do not know how I can retrieve a list of QuoteItems related to the Quote.

    Here is my code for afterSave located at: /custom/Espo/Custom/Hooks/Quote/UpdateQuoteTotals.php
    Question is how do I get the $items in beforeSave?

    namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\Quote;
    use Espo\ORM\Entity;
    class UpdateQuoteTotals extends \Espo\Core\Hooks\Base {
      public function beforeSave(Entity $entity, array $options): void {
      public function afterSave(Entity $entity, array $options = array()) {
           $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
           $recurringTotal = 0;
           $initialTotal = 0;
           $items = $entityManager
               ->where([ // where clause
                  'quoteId' => $entity->get('id')
           foreach ($items as $item) {
               $product = $entityManager->getEntity("Product", $item->get('productId'));
               if ($product->get('recurring')) {
                   $recurringTotal += $item->get("amount");
               else {
                   $initialTotal += $item->get("amount");
           $entity->set("amountRecurring", $recurringTotal);
           $entity->set("amountInitial", $initialTotal);
           $entityManager->saveEntity($entity, ['skipHooks' => true]);
    Last edited by jensolsson.se; 08-08-2023, 06:17 AM.
  • jensolsson.se
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2022
    • 20

    Think I found a solution. Instead I created a /custom/Espo/Custom/Repositories/Quote.php

    I put this inside, does it make sense? Seem to work at least:

    PHP Code:
    namespace Espo\Custom\Repositories;
    class Quote extends \Espo\Modules\Sales\Repositories\Quote {
    protected function calculateItems(\Espo\ORM\Entity $entity, array $options = array()) {
    parent::calculateItems($entity, $options);
    $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
    $items = $entity->get('itemList');
    $recurringTotal = 0.0;
    $initialTotal = 0.0;
    foreach ($items as $item) {
    error_log(print_r($item, TRUE));
    $product = $entityManager->getEntity("Product", $item->productId);
    if ($product->get('recurring')) {
    $recurringTotal += $item->amount;
    else {
    $initialTotal += $item->amount;
    $entity->set("amountRecurring", $recurringTotal);
    $entity->set("amountInitial", $initialTotal);


    • rabii
      Active Community Member
      • Jun 2016
      • 1250

      if i remember i had a conversation with yuri about which to use repositories vs hooks read this https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/deve...ooks#post88381

      I think the reason why the first hooks didn't work is because you were trying to access QuoteItem where i guess if your tried it with itemList (which should be array of associated quoteItems linked to that specific record, it might work.

      Anyway glad it is working now
      Web Dev

