Scheduled workflow/Mass update record limit

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  • Mark
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2019
    • 143

    Scheduled workflow/Mass update record limit

    We are facing a problem where it seems that there are too many records to process via scheduled workflow or mass action. We need to do a one time update to all of the emails stored in the system (this update would create records in a new entity related to these emails). There are around ~260k rows in the 'email' table. So far we have tried to do this via scheduled workflows, the report for the workflow was created without any problems, but the workflow itself never ran (we tried different timing options, every 5 minutes, every day at a certain time, etc. but nothing worked and the other scheduled workflows in the system are working). Also since it's a one time update, we tried to do this via mass action (updating one of the fields in the email, which would in turn trigger a workflow, that would create the related record), but this also did not seem to execute (it showed the window where it says, that this will be executed via cron, but it never did). Are there any other ways to do this or maybe there is a way to somehow make one of the options we tried to work with the amount of emails that we have? We currently have EspoCRM 7.2.7 and advanced pack version 2.11.6 installed
  • rabii
    Active Community Member
    • Jun 2016
    • 1268

    have you tried to to do it through Email entity formula script. if all what you need to do it to link the email to the new entity, first you need to make sure that you add your entity to the parent field of the Email entity and then use the formula script to execute that code from the email entity.
    Web Dev


    • Mark
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2019
      • 143

      The action itself works, there is also workflow that does this action for new emails. But we need to also update the existing emails and since there are over 250k of them, we need to somehow automatically run it for all of the emails, because doing this manually is not really a feasible option


      • rabii
        Active Community Member
        • Jun 2016
        • 1268

        maybe a custom scheduled job would do the job for you.
        Web Dev

