Execute a query in a text field

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  • Darkcromb
    • Aug 2019
    • 40

    Execute a query in a text field

    I would like to set up a custom text field "street", which, when positioned in it, retrieves the value of another field of my entity (postal code) and according to it, executes a request to an API to retrieve street names (as seen here: https://jsfiddle.net/8apgu63n/embedded) and automatically fills the street "street".
    I created my custom field based on a text field. But I can't seem to integrate the query script.
    ​How could I do that ?​
    Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript online with JSFiddle code editor.
  • Darkcromb
    • Aug 2019
    • 40

    I tried to get inspiration from the address-city client/src/views/fields/address.js field and autocompletion, but I can't get my query to run.
    Do you think this is something easy to do? (and I'm missing something?) or has anyone done something similar?​


    • esforim
      Active Community Member
      • Jan 2020
      • 2204

      Haven't seen anything that do retrievable yet. Actually as I type this I did remember one, it was an extension where it use to Track Shipping code, it was somewhere on the forum.

      From my limit reading and knowledge this is possible through Webhook method. You can also look at the Google API, see how it was done to get an idea how to "send address" and get an response return (map photo/embed).

      I look forward to your progress!


      • Darkcromb
        • Aug 2019
        • 40

        Thank you for your answer. I'll give it a try and keep you posted.
        I discovered EspoCRM in 2019 as part of my job at the time, then I went on another project and now I'm completely back on it.
        So I'm on several things at once and moving at my own pace!
        The software is really good and I thank the creators and all the community on this forum, which allow to progress without feeling alone!


        • telecastg
          Active Community Member
          • Jun 2018
          • 907

          Hello Darkcromb,

          I think that the autocomplete logic would have to be inserted in the actual field view class but since it would receive input from another field view class, it the record view will need to be modified as well.

          If you are not familiar with Espo's view class structure, this posting might be useful. https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/deve...view#post67253

          I don't think that what you are trying to accomplish would be easy but it is certainly very interesting

          I am working on a similar feature for our system and will try to find some time to look into it and let you know of any advances.


          • Darkcromb
            • Aug 2019
            • 40



            • Darkcromb
              • Aug 2019
              • 40

              I just created a field type "voieban", copied on the text type, created a field "rueBAN" of type "voieban".
              In the .../fields/voieban.js, I put
              if (this.mode === this.MODE_EDIT) {

              this.$rueBAN.on('change', () => {

              source: function (request, response) {
              url: "https://api-adresse.data.gouv.fr/search/?postcode=59000",
              data: { q: request.term },
              dataType: "json",
              success: function (data) {
              response($.map(data.features, function (item) {
              return { label: item.properties.name, value: item.properties.name};
              this.$rueBAN.on('focus', function () {
              if (this.$rueBAN.val()) return;

              But this does not produce anything​​


              • telecastg
                Active Community Member
                • Jun 2018
                • 907

                Can you post the complete code for .../fields/voieban.js please ?


                • Darkcromb
                  • Aug 2019
                  • 40

                  define('custom:views/contact/fields/voieban', ['views/fields/base'], function (Dep) {
                       * Field api BAN
                      return Dep.extend({
                          type: 'voieban',
                          listTemplate: 'custom:contact/fields/voieban/list',
                          detailTemplate: 'custom:contact/fields/voieban/detail',
                          editTemplate: 'custom:contact/fields/voieban/edit',
                          searchTemplate: 'custom:contact/fields/voieban/search',
                          seeMoreText: false,
                          rowsDefault: 10,
                          rowsMin: 2,
                          seeMoreDisabled: false,
                          cutHeight: 200,
                          searchTypeList: [
                          noResize: false,
                          changeInterval: 5,
                          events: {
                              'click a[data-action="seeMoreText"]': function (e) {
                                  this.seeMoreText = true;
                              'click [data-action="mailTo"]': function (e) {
                          setup: function () {
                              this.params.rows = this.params.rows || this.rowsDefault;
                              this.noResize = this.options.noResize || this.params.noResize || this.noResize;
                              this.seeMoreDisabled = this.seeMoreDisabled || this.params.seeMoreDisabled;
                              this.autoHeightDisabled = this.options.autoHeightDisabled || this.params.autoHeightDisabled ||
                              if (this.params.cutHeight) {
                                  this.cutHeight = this.params.cutHeight;
                              this.rowsMin = this.options.rowsMin || this.params.rowsMin || this.rowsMin;
                              if (this.params.rows < this.rowsMin) {
                                  this.rowsMin = this.params.rows;
                              this.on('remove', () => {
                                  $(window).off('resize.see-more-' + this.cid);
                          setupSearch: function () {
                              this.events = _.extend({
                                  'change select.search-type': function (e) {
                                      var type = $(e.currentTarget).val();
                              }, this.events || {});
                          data: function () {
                              var data = Dep.prototype.data.call(this);
                              if (
                                  this.model.get(this.name) !== null &&
                                  this.model.get(this.name) !== '' &&
                              ) {
                                  data.isNotEmpty = true;
                              if (this.mode === this.MODE_SEARCH) {
                                  if (typeof this.searchParams.value === 'string') {
                                      this.searchData.value = this.searchParams.value;
                              if (this.mode === this.MODE_EDIT) {
                                  if (this.autoHeightDisabled) {
                                      data.rows = this.params.rows;
                                  } else {
                                      data.rows = this.rowsMin;
                              data.valueIsSet = this.model.has(this.name);
                              if (this.isReadMode()) {
                                  data.isCut = this.isCut();
                                  if (data.isCut) {
                                      data.cutHeight = this.cutHeight;
                                  data.displayRawText = this.params.displayRawText;
                              data.noResize = this.noResize;
                              return data;
                          handleSearchType: function (type) {
                              if (~['isEmpty', 'isNotEmpty'].indexOf(type)) {
                              } else {
                          getValueForDisplay: function () {
                              var text = this.model.get(this.name);
                              return text || '';
                          controlTextareaHeight: function (lastHeight) {
                              var scrollHeight = this.$element.prop('scrollHeight');
                              var clientHeight = this.$element.prop('clientHeight');
                              if (typeof lastHeight === 'undefined' && clientHeight === 0) {
                                  setTimeout(this.controlTextareaHeight.bind(this), 10);
                              if (clientHeight === lastHeight) {
                              if (scrollHeight > clientHeight + 1) {
                                  var rows = this.$element.prop('rows');
                                  if (this.params.rows && rows >= this.params.rows) {
                                  this.$element.attr('rows', rows + 1);
                              if (this.$element.val().length === 0) {
                                  this.$element.attr('rows', this.rowsMin);
                          isCut: function () {
                              return !this.seeMoreText && !this.seeMoreDisabled;
                          controlSeeMore: function () {
                              if (!this.isCut()) {
                              if (this.$text.height() > this.cutHeight) {
                              } else {
                          afterRender: function () {
                              if (this.isReadMode()) {
                                  $(window).off('resize.see-more-' + this.cid);
                                  this.$textContainer = this.$el.find('> .complex-text-container');
                                  this.$text = this.$textContainer.find('> .complex-text');
                                  this.$seeMoreContainer = this.$el.find('> .see-more-container');
                                  this.$rueBAN = this.$el.find('[data-name="' + this.rueBANField + '"]');
                                  if (this.isCut()) {
                                      if (this.model.get(this.name) && this.$text.height() === 0) {
                                          setTimeout(this.controlSeeMore.bind(this), 50);
                                      this.listenTo(this.recordHelper, 'panel-show', () => this.controlSeeMore());
                                      this.on('panel-show-propagated', () => this.controlSeeMore());
                                      $(window).on('resize.see-more-' + this.cid, () => {
                              if (this.mode === this.MODE_EDIT) {
                                  this.$rueBAN.on('change', () => {
                                      source: function (request, response) {
                                              url: "https://api-adresse.data.gouv.fr/search/?postcode=01000",
                                              data: { q: request.term },
                                              dataType: "json",
                                              success: function (data) {
                                                  response($.map(data.features, function (item) {
                                                      return { label: item.properties.name, value: item.properties.name};
                                  this.$rueBAN.on('focus', function () {
                                      if (this.$rueBAN.val()) return;
                                  this.once('render', function () {
                                  }, this);
                                  this.once('remove', function () {
                                  }, this);
                              if (this.mode === this.MODE_SEARCH) {
                                  var type = this.$el.find('select.search-type').val();
                                  this.$el.find('select.search-type').on('change', () => {
                                  this.$element.on('input', () => {
                              if (this.mode === this.MODE_EDIT && !this.autoHeightDisabled) {
                                  this.$element.on('input', () => {
                                  let lastChangeKeydown = new Date();
                                  const changeKeydownInterval = this.changeInterval * 1000;
                                  this.$element.on('keydown', () => {
                                      if (Date.now() - lastChangeKeydown > changeKeydownInterval) {
                                          lastChangeKeydown = Date.now();
                          fetch: function () {
                              let data = {};
                              let value = this.$element.val() || null;
                              if (value && value.trim() === '') {
                                  value = '';
                              data[this.name] = value
                              return data;
                          fetchSearch: function () {
                              var type = this.fetchSearchType() || 'startsWith';
                              var data;
                              if (~['isEmpty', 'isNotEmpty'].indexOf(type)) {
                                  if (type === 'isEmpty') {
                                      data = {
                                          type: 'or',
                                          value: [
                                                  type: 'isNull',
                                                  field: this.name,
                                                  type: 'equals',
                                                  field: this.name,
                                                  value: ''
                                          data: {
                                              type: type
                                  } else {
                                      data = {
                                          type: 'and',
                                          value: [
                                                  type: 'notEquals',
                                                  field: this.name,
                                                  value: ''
                                                  type: 'isNotNull',
                                                  field: this.name,
                                                  value: null
                                          data: {
                                              type: type
                                  return data;
                              else {
                                  var value = this.$element.val().toString().trim();
                                  value = value.trim();
                                  if (value) {
                                      data = {
                                          value: value,
                                          type: type
                                      return data;
                              return false;
                          getSearchType: function () {
                              return this.getSearchParamsData().type || this.searchParams.typeFront ||
                          mailTo: function (emailAddress) {
                              var attributes = {
                                  status: 'Draft',
                                  to: emailAddress
                              if (
                                  this.getConfig().get('emailForceUseExternalClient') ||
                                  this.getPreferences().get('emailUseExternalClient') ||
                                  !this.getAcl().checkScope('Email', 'create')
                              ) {
                                  require('email-helper', (EmailHelper) => {
                                      var emailHelper = new EmailHelper();
                                      var link = emailHelper
                                          .composeMailToLink(attributes, this.getConfig().get('outboundEmailBccAddress'));
                                      document.location.href = link;
                              var viewName = this.getMetadata().get('clientDefs.' + this.scope + '.modalViews.compose') ||
                              Espo.Ui.notify(' ... ');
                              this.createView('quickCreate', viewName, {
                                  attributes: attributes,
                              }, (view) => {


                  • telecastg
                    Active Community Member
                    • Jun 2018
                    • 907

                    Thanks, can you also post all the templates codes, and if you are referring to any elements in the record detail view, then post the code for the record detail view and its templates as well.

                    One thing that I have always found tricky when integrating jquery instructions with espo views is that due to javascript asynchronous nature, many times the elements simply do not exist yet when the jquery call is made, but I can't tell with your script at first glance, so I would like to test them.

                    Normally I am opposed to doing code debugging for someone else, but as I mentioned, I am working on a project that involves invoking autocomplete from outside sources as well, so I won't mind spending time testing your software as part of my research
                    Last edited by telecastg; 03-04-2023, 08:22 AM.


                    • Darkcromb
                      • Aug 2019
                      • 40

                      So to summarize, my goal is, in the contact entity, when I choose a city, the autocomplete suggestions in the streets field, are filtered according to the city chosen (via a national french api, which is called BAN): https://adresse.data.gouv.fr/api-doc/adresse

                      - Of course, the city must be filled in first -
                      In my contact entity, I don't use the default address block.
                      Instead, I use for the city (label : Ville) a field linked to a custom entity called "Territoire".

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	647
Size:	38.0 KB
ID:	88717

                      "Territoire" ​​​​includes a city field (name) and the associated postcode (codePostal).
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	583
Size:	38.5 KB
ID:	88719

                      In my contact entity, I use until now the adressStreet field (Label : Rue) for the street, but to try to integrate the API, I created a new field (rueBAN Label : Rue_BAN) based on a new type voieban ((the goal being to do it in the original street field)).
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	564
Size:	8.1 KB
ID:	88718

                      I attach to this post the ModBAN extension I created, creating the custom type voieban, by completing the voieban.js with the API request in the afterRender, in the condition (this.MODE_EDIT).

                      Thanks again for your help.
                      My goal in posting here was not to have a ready-made work, but to exchange, to have advices but if you are on the same problems,​ i'd be happy to receive your help.
                      Attached Files


                      • telecastg
                        telecastg commented
                        Editing a comment
                        No problem Darkcromb happy to help, I can clearly see that you have put serious thoughts to solve this and are not just fishing for somebody to hand you a ready-made solution. I respect that
                    • Darkcromb
                      • Aug 2019
                      • 40

                      if (this.mode === this.MODE_EDIT) {
                      source: function (request, response) {
                      url: "https://api-adresse.data.gouv.fr/search/?postcode=01000",
                      data: { q: request.term },
                      dataType: "json",
                      success: function (data) {
                      response($.map(data.features, function (item) {
                      return { label: item.properties.name, value: item.properties.name};
                      But each time, it calls ".../api/v1/https://api-adresse.data.gouv.fr/search/?postcode=01000"


                      • item
                        Active Community Member
                        • Mar 2017
                        • 1476

                        i am not skill .. but i think you can't not directly call by ajax to external host.
                        you need to call a controller backend ..this call your api .. and return value to client.

                        sample call :

                        PHP Code:
                                        .postRequest('GlobalController/action/ciscoExecute', {
                                            user: this.getUser(),
                                            extension: this.getUser().get('extension'),
                                            phoneNumber: phoneNumber
                                        .then(response => {
                                            if (response['status'] == true)
                                                Espo.Ui.notify(response['message'], 'success', 8000);
                                                 Espo.Ui.notify( response['message'] , 'error', 2000);
                        and in route.json

                        PHP Code:
                                "route": "/GlobalController/action/ciscoExecute/:phoneNumber",
                                "method": "post",
                                "params": {
                                    "controller": "GlobalController",
                                    "action": "ciscoExecute",
                                    "phoneNumber": ":phoneNumber"
                        and in controller something so :

                        PHP Code:
                            public function postActionCiscoExecute(Request $request, Response $response): array
                                $data = $request->getParsedBody();
                                $phoneNumber = preg_replace('/\D/', '', $data->phoneNumber);
                                $extension = preg_replace('/\D/', '', $data->extension);
                                return Cisco::CiscoExecute($extension, $phoneNumber);
                        but i my case, i have lat/lng in entity where needed, so in before save, i make a api call in back-end and put lat/lng with result of call.

                        i have too post a "OpenStreetMap" extension in the past.. if someone adapt it to v7

                        auto-complete address field is not easy to use for user.. it's my experiment.

                        My post is just for information/idea/brainstorming
                        Last edited by item; 03-06-2023, 09:56 PM.
                        If you could give the project a star on GitHub. EspoCrm believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.​


                        • telecastg
                          telecastg commented
                          Editing a comment
                          Very good point item regarding jquery autocomplete not being allowed to access outside servers at least in Espo's implementation.

                          I am working on a solution and hope to be able to post something soon
                      • Darkcromb
                        • Aug 2019
                        • 40

                        Thanks to both of you. I haven't been able to move forward since my last post but I should be able to this weekend.


                        • esforim
                          Active Community Member
                          • Jan 2020
                          • 2204

                          Best of luck, I add it to the wiki and hopefully you manage to succeed. My country we need to ask for API Key so I have no idea what data we can get access to.
                          Last edited by esforim; 03-20-2023, 07:20 AM.

