Hi Guys
I created this formula yesterday and it worked perfect - this morning it is changing the status on every record instead of every record except the 1st
• 2nd and subsequent records when saved, Status changes (or changes back) to “Duplicate”
• 2nd and subsequent records that are Edited also changes back to “Duplicate”
Goal: using formula (using Espo Cloud) change the status to "Duplicate" when a duplicate record is created
Path: I gathered from the forum the best way would be to create a field to ID the record (I'm using date/time/name) then count when that ID was 2 or more
Ask: for a popup but it's Espo cloud, I thought maybe the "Notification" option in Workflow might work but since the record needs to be saved to determine a duplicate maybe this is fine, I couldn't get it to work anyway and say some mention regarding the Save process not intended for that
attendIndex = string\concatenate(attendanceDate, ' + ', name, ' + ', contact.firstName , ' + ', contact.lastName);
record\count('Attendance', 'attendIndex>', 1), attendanceStatus='Duplicate'
This is what I tested and worked yesterday
• 2nd and subsequent records when saved, Status changes (or changes back) to “Duplicate”
• 2nd and subsequent records that are Edited also changes back to “Duplicate”
• Original record Status remains as selected or blank
Do you know what I am doing wrong that it stopped working, maybe zero out fields? Is there a better way?
I created this formula yesterday and it worked perfect - this morning it is changing the status on every record instead of every record except the 1st
• 2nd and subsequent records when saved, Status changes (or changes back) to “Duplicate”
• 2nd and subsequent records that are Edited also changes back to “Duplicate”
Goal: using formula (using Espo Cloud) change the status to "Duplicate" when a duplicate record is created
Path: I gathered from the forum the best way would be to create a field to ID the record (I'm using date/time/name) then count when that ID was 2 or more
Ask: for a popup but it's Espo cloud, I thought maybe the "Notification" option in Workflow might work but since the record needs to be saved to determine a duplicate maybe this is fine, I couldn't get it to work anyway and say some mention regarding the Save process not intended for that
- I was using this example in the docs: record\count('Opportunity', 'amountConverted>', 1000)
attendIndex = string\concatenate(attendanceDate, ' + ', name, ' + ', contact.firstName , ' + ', contact.lastName);
record\count('Attendance', 'attendIndex>', 1), attendanceStatus='Duplicate'
This is what I tested and worked yesterday
• 2nd and subsequent records when saved, Status changes (or changes back) to “Duplicate”
• 2nd and subsequent records that are Edited also changes back to “Duplicate”
• Original record Status remains as selected or blank
Do you know what I am doing wrong that it stopped working, maybe zero out fields? Is there a better way?