Hey guys,
I have a custom rowActions for a relationship which calculate some fields but also set a value on parentView().model i could set the values on parentModel (parentView().mode) but i couldn't save the data on parentView().model: how can i save the parentView().model data from a child relationship custom rowActions below my code:
telecastg item emillod
I have a custom rowActions for a relationship which calculate some fields but also set a value on parentView().model i could set the values on parentModel (parentView().mode) but i couldn't save the data on parentView().model: how can i save the parentView().model data from a child relationship custom rowActions below my code:
actionSetHoldingPaid: function (data) { var id = data.id; if (!id) { return; } var model = this.collection.get(id); var parentModel = this.getParentView().model; if (!model) { return; } model.set({ holdingStatus: 'Paid', totalStatus: 'Partially Paid', }); // Set netSuccessFee on parentView model works fine parentModel.set('netSuccessFee', parentModel.get('netSuccessFee') - model.get('holdingFee') ); this.listenToOnce(model, 'sync', function () { this.notify(false); this.collection.fetch(); }, this); this.notify('Saving...'); // Save parentModel data is not working parentModel.save(); model.save(); },
telecastg item emillod