Hello again 
I have a little problem here, maybe just some basic syntax error but I can't figure it out.
My goal is to make espo auto-send email from my group email account using template '605ce24c7054e5bc4', to linked contact email address, when enum 'serviceState' changes to 'Vybavené' (means Done in my language).
I made this formula but no matter what status of serviceState enum i choose, everytime it sends template with no link to target entity. Thanks for any advice.

I have a little problem here, maybe just some basic syntax error but I can't figure it out.
My goal is to make espo auto-send email from my group email account using template '605ce24c7054e5bc4', to linked contact email address, when enum 'serviceState' changes to 'Vybavené' (means Done in my language).
I made this formula but no matter what status of serviceState enum i choose, everytime it sends template with no link to target entity. Thanks for any advice.
$svcDoneMail = record\create( 'Email', 'from', 'noreply@my-group-email.com', 'to', contact.emailAddress, 'status', 'Draft', 'isHtml', true, 'parentId', servis.Id, 'parentType', 'Servis' ); ifThen(entity\isAttributeChanged(serviceState) && serviceState = ('Vybavené'), ext\email\applyTemplate($svcDoneMail, '605ce24c7054e5bc4'); ext\email\send($svcDoneMail) );