Hey, can we override the espocrm/client/src/web-socket-manager.js? If yes. how can I do that?
For some reason, the WebSocket is losing the connection every 60seconds. We want to add some functionalities to keep it alive. For that purpose, we need to edit the espocrm/client/src/web-socket-manager.js.
Can you please help me with how can I do that?
Hey, can we override the espocrm/client/src/web-socket-manager.js? If yes. how can I do that?
For some reason, the WebSocket is losing the connection every 60seconds. We want to add some functionalities to keep it alive. For that purpose, we need to edit the espocrm/client/src/web-socket-manager.js.
Can you please help me with how can I do that?