Export multiple phones and multiple e-mails
Good day!
Can you please update information about Export multiple phones and multiple e-mails. Version 8.2.4
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As far as I'm aware it is always difficult with these two field, there is another thread here (quite old though) that see to work for Phone but not email:
https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/feat...-phone-numbersLeave a comment:
As far as I'm aware it is always difficult with these two field, there is another thread here (quite old though) that see to work for Phone but not email:
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Export multiple phones and multiple e-mails
i would like to export all the phone numbers and e-mails from my accounts.
I try the following but it's not working.
namespace Espo\Custom\Services;
class Contact extends \Espo\Core\Templates\Services\Person
protected $exportAdditionalFieldList = ['phoneNumberOffice'];
public function loadAdditionalFieldsForExport(\Espo\ORM\Entity $entity)
protected function getFieldPhoneNumberOfficeFromEntityForExport(\Espo \ORM\Entity $entity)
$phoneNumberData = $entity->get('phoneNumberData');
foreach ($phoneNumberData as $d) {
if ($d->type == 'Office') {
return $d->phoneNumber;
return '';
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