Export multiple phones and multiple e-mails

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  • Ashif Malayil
    IHAR nsns Did you got any resolution for this?

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  • IHAR
    Good day!
    Can you please update information about Export multiple phones and multiple e-mails. Version 8.2.4

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  • nsns
    Originally posted by espcrm
    As far as I'm aware it is always difficult with these two field, there is another thread here (quite old though) that see to work for Phone but not email:
    From there i get the code but is not working.

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  • esforim
    As far as I'm aware it is always difficult with these two field, there is another thread here (quite old though) that see to work for Phone but not email:
    Please consider adding the capability to import and export multiple email addresses and phone numbers for a single account, contact, and/or lead. For example,

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  • nsns
    started a topic Export multiple phones and multiple e-mails

    Export multiple phones and multiple e-mails

    i would like to export all the phone numbers and e-mails from my accounts.
    I try the following but it's not working.


    namespace Espo\Custom\Services;

    class Contact extends \Espo\Core\Templates\Services\Person

    protected $exportAdditionalFieldList = ['phoneNumberOffice'];

    public function loadAdditionalFieldsForExport(\Espo\ORM\Entity $entity)

    protected function getFieldPhoneNumberOfficeFromEntityForExport(\Espo \ORM\Entity $entity)
    $phoneNumberData = $entity->get('phoneNumberData');
    foreach ($phoneNumberData as $d) {
    if ($d->type == 'Office') {
    return $d->phoneNumber;
    return '';

