Has anyone seen something like this?

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  • crmclients
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2020
    • 262

    Has anyone seen something like this?

    I was getting bad server response after making changes all day with no problem. So, losing all, I restored from last nights back up and immediately got Bad Server Response every few seconds.

    Please see screen shot.

    Before I wiped out todays changes, the host reported this error they were seeing on their end
    • Looking at the logs for the Espo CRM, it looks like the site is failing to load a repository as shown in the error log (/home/aristonc/public_html/sdespo/data/logs/espo-2020-08-24.log):
    • 2020-08-24 21:29:55] Espo.ERROR: Uncaught Exception Espo\Core\Exceptions\Error: "ORM: Repository 'Portal' does not exist." at /home/aristonc/public_html/sdespo/application/Espo/ORM/EntityManager.php line 165 {"exception":"[object] (Espo\\Core\\Exceptions\\Error(code: 500): ORM: Repository 'Portal' does not exist. at /home/aristonc/public_html/sdespo/application/Espo/ORM/EntityManager.php:165)"} []
    I'm sorta at a loss now because I thought it was a browser/fingerprint issue but I have been using a different one and today I didn't do anything but restore a version that was just fine yesterday.

    So either the restore doesn't work or maybe my Softacuous Installer was incomplete?

    Worst timing as the client is of course now logging in to check out the changes

    Any thoughts? "No hope, reinstall from scratch is ok too...
    Attached Files
  • crmclients
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2020
    • 262

    Host was able to restore from 5am however I started working a 8am :/
    Oh well work to do!


    • crmclients
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2020
      • 262

      any one getting this?
      • You may have been affected by an update to settings in embedded timelines. See https://twittercommunity.com/t/depre...ettings/102295.
      • a.twitter-timeline
        accessKey: ""
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        attributes: NamedNodeMap(4) [ class="twitter-timeline", href="https://twitter.com/EspoCRM", data-widget-id="563271765854806016", … ]
        baseURI: "https://s.espocrm.com/?version=5.9.3&css=https%3A%2F%2Fariston153.com%2F sdespo%2Fclient%2Fcss%2Fespo%2Fespo-vertical.css%3Fr%3D1598222125"
        charset: ""
        childElementCount: 0
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        firstChild: #text "Tweets by @EspoCRM"
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        href: "https://twitter.com/EspoCRM"
        hreflang: ""
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        innerHTML: "Tweets by @EspoCRM"
        innerText: "Tweets by @EspoCRM"
        isConnected: false
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        lastChild: #text "Tweets by @EspoCRM"
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        origin: "https://twitter.com"
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        ownerDocument: HTMLDocument https://s.espocrm.com/?version=5.9.3...ston153.com%2F sdespo%2Fclient%2Fcss%2Fespo%2Fespo-vertical.css%3Fr%3D1598222125
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        <prototype>: HTMLAnchorElementPrototype
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        <set download()>: function download()
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        <set hash()>: function hash()
        <get host()>: function host()
        <set host()>: function host()
        <get hostname()>: function hostname()
        <set hostname()>: function hostname()
        <get href()>: function href()
        <set href()>: function href()
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        <set hreflang()>: function hreflang()
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        <set name()>: function name()
        <get origin()>: function origin()
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        <set password()>: function password()
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        <set pathname()>: function pathname()
        <get ping()>: function ping()
        <set ping()>: function ping()
        <get port()>: function port()
        <set port()>: function port()
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        <set protocol()>: function protocol()
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        <set text()>: function text()
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        <set type()>: function type()
        <get username()>: function username()
        <set username()>: function username()
        <prototype>: HTMLElementPrototype


      • Maximus
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2018
        • 2731

        Just a guess. If you customized the /client directory, you can do:
        1. Make a backup of the current /client dir;
        2. download the same EspoCRM version and replace your current /client directory with the new one from the downloaded package.
        3. Clear cache.

        It might help. But note, that if in the /EntityDefs of /ClientDefs files there are some links to your custom view from the /client directory it might cause other errors.

        Error in the log says that there is no Portal entity. So it would be very helpful if you shed the light on what you changed in the system before the system failed.Hello,
        Just a guess. If you customize the /client directory, you can do:
        1. Make a backup of the current /client dir;
        2. download the same EspoCRM version and replace your current /client with the new one.
        3. Clear cache.

        It might help. But note, that if in the EntityDefs of ClientDefs files where some link to your custom view it might cause other errors.

        Error in the log says that there is no Portal entity. So it would be very helpful if you shed the light on what you changed in the system before fail.


        • crmclients
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2020
          • 262

          Thanks Maximus! - I really think it has something to do with the install. I don't any file customization (as in open a file and edit) except for the theme. Everything else I used Admin/Entity panel to make a change.

          Odd thing after I posted above and restored from a prior version, I got the bad server response again only flooded more so that I couldn't login - which didn't make sense because that copy had no issues at all

          Contacted the host again who saw this in the logs:
          • 2020-08-24 22:45:00] Espo.ERROR: Uncaught Exception Espo\Core\Exceptions\Error: "System user is not found" at /home/aristonc/public_html/sdespo/application/Espo/Core/Utils/Auth.php line 143 {"exception":"[object] (Espo\\Core\\Exceptions\\Error(code: 500): System user is not found at /home/aristonc/public_html/sdespo/application/Espo/Core/Utils/Auth.php:143)"} []
          This time it's "Core/Utils", does it seem to be losing it's place or where to find files? I am doing a portal setup for the client but don't knwo if any Admin actions touch Core Utils.

          The host restored from their nightly and now all is well again. The customer is actively in this instance but I will move them to the production version I am working on hopefully by next week.

          Separately, I am also doing a trial with the EspoCRM.com hosting company and have absolutely no issues or weird displays etc. It's very fast and no errors when clearing cache or rebuilding

          So I am thinking it may be the Softacuous files, something is incomplete, corrupted. I was excited to maybe use my host to partner with as the go-to for CRM clients using Espo but I think after this project I will need to try it with a d/l of EspoCRM from espocrm site and see if it is more stable than the Hostek-Softacuous script. My host eliminated automatic backups and staging ability anyway so silver lining to get on github and learn something new

          EspoCRM.com is nice but there is no changing the app apart from the Admin panel/Entity formula, and my clients dont always have the minimum $540/year. Fortunately one does so I can experience Espo in it's intended (albeit no dev) pristine condition!

