Issues with calculating in QUOTE entity

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  • emillod
    Active Community Member
    • Apr 2017
    • 1449

    Issues with calculating in QUOTE entity

    Hello guys,
    i don't know why but when i'm creating quoteItems through FORMULA everything is ok, but after that quote entity don't calculate TOTAL of these related quoteItems.
    Any ideas how to trigger recalculating through formula/workflow?
  • Maximus
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2018
    • 2731

    You need to create 2 workflows. The first one should make a calculation for the Quote Items and then fire the sequential workflow. The sequential workflow should recalculate the Bottom total values for Quote. In this case, once you change the item list you will see its changes immediately right after firing the save button. To see changes in the bottom total you will need to refresh a web page.

    Note that you may encounter with the logics conflict as there is the system logic (on the front end and back end either) and your logic created by the workflow. So here you have 2 way to solve it:
    1. Rewrite the system logic according to your new calculation
    2. Change all default system fields in the Item List and Quote entities with the custom fields.


    • emillod
      Active Community Member
      • Apr 2017
      • 1449

      Thank you Maximus , that's a pretty good idea. i didn't think about that.
      Could you look at another thread?


      • Maximus
        Maximus commented
        Editing a comment
        > Could you look at another thread?

        I am on my way.