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Changing Entity Displayed in Stream

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  • telecastg
    Check this thread, I think it may help

    Also please note that the language JSON scripts (everything under sub-folders i18n) do nothing but provide translations for labels on different languages, they don't affect any logic.
    Last edited by telecastg; 02-27-2020, 03:32 PM.

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  • Marcus
    Right, so I've done a bit of digging and it appears that the code will pull the {entitytype}

    "streamMessages": {
    "post": "{user} posted on {entityType} {entity}",
    "attach": "{user} attached on {entityType} {entity}",
    "status": "{user} updated {field} of {entityType} {entity}",
    "update": "{user} updated {entityType} {entity}",

    So the stream will automatically post "user updated status of entitytype" rather than for isntance, "user updated status of account"...

    Does anyone know if there is a way to have it pull for instance, an account or contact instead?

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  • Marcus
    Here is another example of the stream showing basically no specific information. I uploaded around 30 documents and it shows this.... How do I change the default stream entity from "Document" to maybe the file name;

    eg: "Marcus created document CustomerXYZInvoice"

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  • Marcus
    Hello there, I appreciate your reply.

    We are as well planning to buy the Extensions but first I need to use it and understand it.

    I appreciate that you can turn the audit'd name off, I've already done this but it still seems awfully spammy. My main question still remains unanswered though... say I have a product called X... it posts to the stream "Marcus created quote X"... rather than "Marcus created quote X for Customer Y" or even just "Marcus created quote for customer Y".. That's what I want to change... I want the actual ENTITY being displayed to be changed.... and I don't know how to do that?

    PS: I've been a member of this forum for less than a monthly, I'm far from the best person to start the discord server
    Last edited by Marcus; 02-27-2020, 10:12 AM.

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  • esforim
    Welcome Marcus, it good that you post. Keep the forum alive and what not.

    Creating a new entity call Quotes is probably not a good idea I think, because you will probably need to code it to work properly as true Quotes entity. But if you just need the basic I suppose it will be good enough.

    Personally I don't bother to create Quote/Invoice/Purchase entity yet because I'm planning to just buy the Extensions once we have "CRM upgrade money".

    To answer your question, the Stream section is relating to the "Audit" option in field. Any field that you don't want Stream (Audit) then you can turn off that option.
    For example: Administration \ Entity \ Manager \Account Fields \ name > audited

    Personal I feel that the stream is quite clogging at the moment which I don't use quite often, furthermore it being Lock up top making it difficult to browse. Hopefully in the future audit trail can be separated from "Timeline" trail.


    In term of Discord server, this post will be hidden away in a thread that is not related and will get bury. Probably best to post as a new thread and different thread.

    In term of putting another place where they need to manage I doubt they (the official team) would be considering it at this stage. However if you want to start one up I would not mind joining, although I am rarely active on discord but sometime for "instant feedback" discord is a good channel to use.
    Last edited by esforim; 02-27-2020, 06:58 AM.

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  • Marcus
    started a topic Changing Entity Displayed in Stream

    Changing Entity Displayed in Stream

    Hello again,

    Can I just start by saying how much I appreciate the EspoCRM community. I've posted 3 or 4 times on here now and you all have been nothing but accommodating. I really appreciate it and I apologize for making another post trouble-shooting a small issue but I've searched through every single post and I cannot find the answer.

    So I have created a base entity called "Quotes" which is properly linked to my Accounts, Leads and Contacts entity... However, my stream is constantly being spammed every single time I post anything, and moreover, especially for the "Quote" stream entity, it is posting the product code rather than the associated account (whether thats a lead, account or contact.)

    I suppose, my question in the simplest form is - how do I change the default reporting value of my entity in the stream? I'd rather have the customer name be created rather than the product code.

    Also, part two - how do I turn the noise down on the Stream? I'm still in the process of setting this up for my company and so far it's working well (obviously there are limitations we hope to solve when we purchase the sales package) but for now, I need to iron out all the kinks before we can proceed.

    I've attached a picture of my stream, I hope it makes sense.

    Just to note - the pink "produce code" section is where I'd rather have the customer name displayed... surely it's possible to set what the default recording values are?

    PS, an afterthought - would the developers of EsproCRM be open to a discord server? I think it would go along way to fixing small issues rather than taking up an entire post on the forum. I'm sure my problem is something silly but I just can't seem to figure it out.

    Cheers again for all the help, you guys are amazing!

    PSPS, I think I initially posted this to the wrong sub-forum, sorrryyy