How to use handlebar conditions in email templates

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  • vps
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2019
    • 9

    How to use handlebar conditions in email templates

    Is there a way or workaround to use handlebar conditions in normal email templates?

    Current version: 5.7.9

    HTML Code:
        <!-- {{#if Lead.lastName}} --> <Dear Mr. {Lead.lastName}}, <!-- {{else}} --> Dear Sir or Madam, <!-- {{/if}} -->
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8697

    Not possible.
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    • rabii
      rabii commented
      Editing a comment
      Hi @Yuri

      It says that this might be possible in the email template documentation though it is mentioned that it is only experimental.

      is there any chance this could be implemented in future hence they are using the same template system ?

  • agri
    • Mar 2021
    • 95

    Still not working, at least not working with {{#ifEqual ...}} ... a pity!


    • yuri
      yuri commented
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      It works. Please do not give misleading information. The parent field should be not empty (mentioned in the docs Rabii refered). You can use helpers with attributes of the parent-entity as arguments.
      Last edited by yuri; 05-19-2022, 06:24 PM.

    • agri
      agri commented
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      First of all I must appologize, I did not *intend* to give misleading information! Still, I don't get it ...
      "You can use helpers with attributes of the parent-entity as arguments." -> Could you please give an example?
      I tried
      {{#ifEqual Person.salutationName "Herr"}}Sehr geehrter {Person.salutationName} {}{{/ifEqual}}
      {{#ifEqual Person.salutationName "Frau"}}Sehr geehrte {Person.salutationName} {}{{/ifEqual}}
      {{#ifEqual Person.salutationName "Dr"}}. Guten Tag {Person.salutationName} {}{{/ifEqual}}
      If e.g. salutationName is "Herr", this will result in *three* lines like
      "Sehr geehrter Herr firstname lastname
      Sehr geehrte Frau firstname lastname
      Guten Tag Dr. firstname lastname"
      instead of only the forst one. I also tried {{#ifEqual ... 'Herr'}} and {{#ifEqual ... Herr}} -> same result. This gave me the impression, that it does NOT work.
      Perhaps I don't get, which is the parent-entity of an Email template, where to find the "parent field" and what to fill in there.