How to add reminder field to new entity

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  • Nishan Perera
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2019
    • 348

    How to add reminder field to new entity

    I want to add reminder field to new entity.

    Eg : For case i need to add reminder field.
  • Nishan Perera
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2019
    • 348

    Hi Can anyone help me on this ???


    • Maximus
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2018
      • 2731

      Here is the solution of how to make a reminder popup message for Case. For the custom entities this way should work as well.
      1. In the file /custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Case.json add the next into the field scope. E.g.:

          "fields": {
      [COLOR=#FF0000]     "reminders": {
                  "type": "jsonArray",
                  "notStorable": true,
                  "view": "crm:views/meeting/fields/reminders"
              "dateStart": {
                  "type": "datetimeOptional",
                  "before": "dateEnd"
              "dateEnd": {
                  "type": "datetimeOptional",
                  "after": "dateStart",
                  "view": "custom:views/case/fields/date-end",
                  "audited": true
              "dateStartDate": {
                  "type": "date",
                  "disabled": true
              "dateEndDate": {
                  "type": "date",
                  "disabled": true
              "dateCompleted": {
                  "type": "datetime",
                  "readOnly": true
              "isOverdue": {
                  "type": "bool",
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "notStorable": true,
                  "view": "crm:views/task/fields/is-overdue",
                  "disabled": true
      2. Create a file /client/custom/src/views/case/fields/date-end.js with this code:

      Espo.define('custom:views/case/fields/date-end', 'views/fields/datetime-optional', function (Dep) {
          return Dep.extend({
              detailTemplate: 'crm:task/fields/date-end/detail',
              listTemplate: 'crm:task/fields/date-end/detail',
              data: function () {
                  var data =;
                  if (this.model.get('status') && !~['Closed', 'Rejected'].indexOf(this.model.get('status'))) {
                      if (this.mode == 'list' || this.mode == 'detail') {
                          if (!this.isDate()) {
                              var value = this.model.get(;
                              if (value) {
                                  var d = this.getDateTime().toMoment(value);
                                  var now = moment().tz(this.getDateTime().timeZone || 'UTC');
                                  if (d.unix() < now.unix()) {
                                      data.isOverdue = true;
                          } else {
                              var value = this.model.get(this.nameDate);
                              if (value) {
                                  var d = moment.utc(value + ' 23:59', this.getDateTime().internalDateTimeFormat);
                                  var now = this.getDateTime().getNowMoment();
                                  if (d.unix() < now.unix()) {
                                      data.isOverdue = true;
                  return data;
              setup: function () {
                  this.listenTo(this, 'change', function (e) {
                      if (!this.model.get('dateEnd')) {
                          if (this.model.get('reminders')) {
                              this.model.set('reminders', []);
                  }, this);
      3. Create a file /custom/Espo/Custom/Services/CaseObj.php with this code:

      PHP Code:
      namespace Espo\Custom\Services;
      use \Espo\Core\Exceptions\Error;
      use \Espo\Core\Exceptions\Forbidden;
      use \Espo\ORM\Entity;
      class CaseObj extends \Espo\Modules\Crm\Services\CaseObj
          public function loadAdditionalFields(Entity $entity)
          protected function loadRemindersField(Entity $entity)
              $reminders = $this->getRepository()->getEntityReminderList($entity);
              $entity->set('reminders', $reminders);
      4. Create a file /custom/Espo/Custom/Repositories/CaseObj.php with this code:

      5. Create a file custom/Espo/Custom/Services/Activities.php with this code:

      PHP Code:
      namespace Espo\Custom\Services;
      use \Espo\Core\Exceptions\Error;
      use \Espo\Core\Exceptions\NotFound;
      use \Espo\Core\Exceptions\Forbidden;
      use \Espo\ORM\Entity;
      use \PDO;
      class Activities extends \Espo\Modules\Crm\Services\Activities
          public function getPopupNotifications($userId)
              $pdo = $this->getPDO();
              $dt = new \DateTime();
              $pastHours = $this->getConfig()->get('reminderPastHours', self::REMINDER_PAST_HOURS);
              $now = $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
              $nowShifted = $dt->sub(new \DateInterval('PT'.strval($pastHours).'H'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
              $sql = "
                  SELECT id, entity_type AS 'entityType', entity_id AS 'entityId'
                  FROM `reminder`
                      `type` = 'Popup' AND
                      `user_id` = ".$pdo->quote($userId)." AND
                      `remind_at` <= '{$now}' AND
                      `start_at` > '{$nowShifted}' AND
                      `deleted` = 0
              $sth = $pdo->prepare($sql);
              $rowList = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
              $resultList = [];
              foreach ($rowList as $row) {
                  $reminderId = $row['id'];
                  $entityType = $row['entityType'];
                  $entityId = $row['entityId'];
                  $entity = $this->getEntityManager()->getEntity($entityType, $entityId);
                  $data = null;
                  if ($entity) {
                      $dateAttribute = 'dateStart';
                      if ($entityType === 'Case') {
                          $dateAttribute = 'dateEnd';
                      $data = [
                          'id' => $entity->id,
                          'entityType' => $entityType,
                          $dateAttribute => $entity->get($dateAttribute),
                          'name' => $entity->get('name')
                  } else {
                  $resultList[] = [
                      'id' => $reminderId,
                      'data' => $data
              return $resultList;
      6. In the file /application/Espo/Modules/Crm/Jobs/SubmitPopupReminders.php find the next code:

      PHP Code:
      $dateAttribute = 'dateStart';
      if ($entityType === 'Task') {
          $dateAttribute = 'dateEnd';
      and add to it a condition for Case this way:

      PHP Code:
      $dateAttribute = 'dateStart';
      if ($entityType === 'Task' || $entityType === 'Case') {
          $dateAttribute = 'dateEnd';
      7. In the file /client/modules/crm/src/views/meeting/popup-notification.js find the next code:

      var dateAttribute = 'dateStart';
      if (this.notificationData.entityType === 'Task') {
          dateAttribute = 'dateEnd';
      and add to it a condition for Case this way:

      var dateAttribute = 'dateStart';
      if (this.notificationData.entityType === 'Task' [COLOR=#FF0000]|| this.notificationData.entityType === 'Case'[/COLOR]) {
          dateAttribute = 'dateEnd';
      8. Make rebuild and refresh a web page.

      9. Go to Layout manager and add dateStart, dateEnd and reminder fields to a Case layout.
      10. You can set labels for these fields in the Entity Manager -> Fields scope.

      Note. This customization is not an official upgrade of the code, so it not guaranty 100% proper work.
      Last edited by Maximus; 03-26-2020, 12:32 PM.


      • Maximus
        Maximus commented
        Editing a comment
        Hi Everyone,
        There was a bug in file /custom/Espo/Custom/Repositories/CaseObj.php.
        Bug description: A Contact with a corresponded email address doesn't link to a new Case created by utilizing Email-to-Case functionality in Group Email Account

        To fix it you need to have this code:
        PHP Code:
        namespace Espo\Custom\Repositories;
        use Espo\ORM\Entity;
        use Espo\Core\Utils\Util;
        class CaseObj extends \Espo\Modules\Crm\Repositories\CaseObj
            protected $reminderDateAttribute = 'dateEnd';
            protected $reminderSkippingStatusList = ['Closed', 'Rejected'];
            protected function init()
            protected function getConfig()
                return $this->getInjection('config');
            protected function getDateTime()
                return $this->getInjection('dateTime');
            protected function beforeSave(Entity $entity, array $options = array())
                if ($entity->isAttributeChanged('status')) {
                    if ($entity->get('status') == 'Closed') {
                        $entity->set('dateCompleted', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                    } else {
                        $entity->set('dateCompleted', null);
                if ($entity->has('dateStartDate')) {
                    $dateStartDate = $entity->get('dateStartDate');
                    if (!empty($dateStartDate)) {
                        $dateStart = $dateStartDate . ' 00:00:00';
                        $dateStart = $this->convertDateTimeToDefaultTimezone($dateStart);
                        $entity->set('dateStart', $dateStart);
                    } else {
                        $entity->set('dateStartDate', null);
                if ($entity->has('dateEndDate')) {
                    $dateEndDate = $entity->get('dateEndDate');
                    if (!empty($dateEndDate)) {
                        $dateEnd = $dateEndDate . ' 00:00:00';
                        $dateEnd = $this->convertDateTimeToDefaultTimezone($dateEnd);
                        $entity->set('dateEnd', $dateEnd);
                    } else {
                        $entity->set('dateEndDate', null);
                parent::beforeSave($entity, $options);
            protected function afterRemove(Entity $entity, array $options = array())
                parent::afterRemove($entity, $options);
                $pdo = $this->getEntityManager()->getPDO();
                $sql = "
                    DELETE FROM `reminder`
                        entity_id = ".$pdo->quote($entity->id)." AND
                        entity_type = ".$pdo->quote($entity->getEntityType())." AND
                        deleted = 0
            public function afterSave(Entity $entity, array $options = [])
                $this->processReminderAfterSave($entity, $options);
                parent::afterSave($entity, $options);
            protected function processReminderAfterSave(Entity $entity, array $options = [])
                if (
                    $entity->isNew() ||
                    $entity->isAttributeChanged('assignedUserId') ||
                    $entity->isAttributeChanged('usersIds') ||
                    $entity->isAttributeChanged($this->reminderDateAttribute) ||
                ) {
                    $pdo = $this->getEntityManager()->getPDO();
                    $reminderTypeList = $this->getMetadata()->get('entityDefs.Reminder.fields.type.options');
                    if (!$entity->has('reminders')) {
                        $reminderList = $this->getEntityReminderList($entity);
                    } else {
                        $reminderList = $entity->get('reminders');
                    if (!$entity->isNew()) {
                        $sql = "
                            DELETE FROM `reminder`
                                entity_id = ".$pdo->quote($entity->id)." AND
                                entity_type = ".$pdo->quote($entity->getEntityType())." AND
                                deleted = 0
                    if (empty($reminderList) || !is_array($reminderList)) return;
                    $entityType = $entity->getEntityType();
                    $dateValue = $entity->get($this->reminderDateAttribute);
                    if (!$dateValue) {
                        $e = $this->get($entity->id);
                        if ($e) {
                            $dateValue = $e->get($this->reminderDateAttribute);
                    if ($entity->hasLinkMultipleField('users')) {
                        $userIdList = $entity->getLinkMultipleIdList('users');
                    } else {
                        $userIdList = [];
                        if ($entity->get('assignedUserId')) {
                            $userIdList[] = $entity->get('assignedUserId');
                    if (!$dateValue) return;
                    if (empty($userIdList)) return;
                    $dateValueObj = new \DateTime($dateValue);
                    if (!$dateValueObj) return;
                    foreach ($reminderList as $item) {
                        $remindAt = clone $dateValueObj;
                        $seconds = intval($item->seconds);
                        $type = $item->type;
                        if (!in_array($type , $reminderTypeList)) continue;
                        $remindAt->sub(new \DateInterval('PT' . $seconds . 'S'));
                        foreach ($userIdList as $userId) {
                            $id = Util::generateId();
                            $sql = "
                                INTO `reminder`
                                (id, entity_id, entity_type, `type`, user_id, remind_at, start_at, `seconds`)
                                VALUES (
                                    ".$pdo->quote($remindAt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')).",
            public function getEntityReminderList(Entity $entity)
                $pdo = $this->getEntityManager()->getPDO();
                $reminderList = [];
                $sql = "
                    SELECT DISTINCT `seconds`, `type`
                    FROM `reminder`
                        `entity_type` = ".$pdo->quote($entity->getEntityType())." AND
                        `entity_id` = ".$pdo->quote($entity->id)." AND
                        `deleted` = 0
                    ORDER BY `seconds` ASC
                $sth = $pdo->prepare($sql);
                $rows = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                foreach ($rows as $row) {
                    $o = new \StdClass();
                    $o->seconds = intval($row['seconds']);
                    $o->type = $row['type'];
                    $reminderList[] = $o;
                return $reminderList;
            protected function convertDateTimeToDefaultTimezone($string)
                $dateTime = \DateTime::createFromFormat($this->getDateTime()->getInternalDateTimeFormat(), $string);
                $timeZone = $this->getConfig()->get('timeZone');
                if (empty($timeZone)) {
                    $timeZone = 'UTC';
                $tz = $timezone = new \DateTimeZone($timeZone);
                if ($dateTime) {
                    return $dateTime->setTimezone($tz)->format($this->getDateTime()->getInternalDateTimeFormat());
                return null;
        Last edited by Maximus; 03-26-2020, 12:30 PM.
    • peterberlin
      Active Community Member
      • Mar 2015
      • 1004

      Hello Maximus.

      You must have put a lot of time into this.
      Couldn't you build your solution (example) into the standard right away?
      It would be a meaningful obtion.



      • telecastg
        Active Community Member
        • Jun 2018
        • 907

        Excellent job Maximus !, this is a superb "how to" guide for anyone who wants to implement pop up notifications.


        • Maximus
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2018
          • 2731

          One more thing that I haven't mentioned before is:
          1. The popup notification shows a 'dateEnd' as it does for Task. If you want it to show a 'dateStart', as it works for Meeting, you don't need to do steps 5,6,7.
          2. I didn't reproduce a dynamic logic (e.g. the reminder field should be hidden if the 'dateEnd' is empty). So if you need it, please add it via Entity Manager.

          peterberlin, the only one way to build it is via a code development.


          • Nishan Perera
            Active Community Member
            • Jan 2019
            • 348

            Maximus Thank you for your big effort. I'll try this out. and this will help others who looking for popup notifications.


            • tsantos
              Junior Member
              • Nov 2020
              • 9


              This code is only valid for v5.x of EspoCRM.

              Does anyone have this code updated for v6?

              Thank you.


              • tsantos
                Junior Member
                • Nov 2020
                • 9



                • Zosh
                  • May 2021
                  • 93

                  +1 for v6.1 compatibility check!


                  • abidoss
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2023
                    • 231

                    Does anyone have this code updated for v7,3?

