Hi Team,
May I know where can I locate the events after:save and after:destroy?
May I know where can I locate the events after:save and after:destroy?
select: function (start, end, allDay) { var dateStart = this.convertTime(start); var dateEnd = this.convertTime(end); var attributes = { dateStart: dateStart, dateEnd: dateEnd }; if (this.options.userId) { attributes.assignedUserId = this.options.userId; attributes.assignedUserName = this.options.userName || this.options.userId; } this.notify('Loading...'); this.createView('quickEdit', 'crm:views/calendar/modals/edit', { attributes: attributes, enabledScopeList: this.enabledScopeList, scopeList: this.scopeList }, function (view) { view.render(); view.notify(false); this.listenToOnce(view, 'after:save', function (model) { // custom if(!this.checkOverlap(start, end)){ this.addModel(model); } else{ this.notify("Conflicting schedule. Event has not been created."); this.removeModel(model); } // end custom }, this); }, this);