Multiple Many-Many relationships

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  • pudgyb
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2025
    • 9

    Multiple Many-Many relationships

    Hi all,

    I have a custom entity type which was created with the intent of being used in place of a Multi-Enum.
    I can easily create a Many-Many relationship with it against Accounts.

    The issue comes when I try to add another Many-Many relationship against Accounts.
    I try renaming the joining table, and the labels, but nothing allows it to be created.

    For context, the intended purpose of having these relationships is for explicitly setting a whitelist and a blacklist for the custom entity.

    Is there a way around this issue, or is there a better way to do this?
  • shalmaxb
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2015
    • 1638

    You can change the automatically created name of the related entity names in the creation of the relation.

    accountBlacklist ------- blacklistAccount
    accountWhitelist ------- whitelistAccount

    The labels you can name as you want.

    Observe, that you can change the link names only on creation, if the relationship is saved, not possible to change the names. In case of wanting to change the names later, you will have to delete the relationship and create it again.

    Another possibility for your purpose could work with only one relationship, if you create a custom field (enum), wher you have the options Blacklist and Whitelist.


    • pudgyb
      pudgyb commented
      Editing a comment
      I gave up and used enums. It's not the preferred outcome but I hope it works