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Help with creating a timer

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  • Help with creating a timer

    Hello team,

    I’m looking to create a timer that will track the time spent working on a task and then store that time in minutes.

    What I need is a timer where the user can press "Start" to begin tracking time. When the user presses "Pause," the timer will stop and only resume once the user presses "Start" again. At the end, the timer should calculate the total time spent actively working on the task, excluding any paused periods.

    From what I’ve seen, this functionality cannot be achieved through workflows or formulas.

    Do you have any suggestions on how I can implement this?

    Thank you very much!

  • #2
    Time Tracker by emillod does this

    eymen-elkum has something similar, but I don’t know if it tracks time spent on records
    Espocrm, Work log entity controlled by buttons on the top navigation bar. It manages user status, indicating online presence and work activity.

    or you could use advanced pack to create start and stop buttons that creates entries in a related entity of type event
    Last edited by Kharg; 10-16-2024, 12:00 PM.

